Try cayenne, it's great for inflammation and pain. I use it on fasts instead of pain relievers. Actually I use it even when not on fasts, it's a staple in my home.
Here's an excellent article (part I and II) on cayenne and it's healing benefits:
I drink it in OJ or in hot lemon tea. Sometimes I just throw half a teaspoon in a mug, then add a couple swallows of warm or tepid water and throw it back like a shot of tequila and chase it with more warmish water. When I do it that way, it's for some serious pain, headache or otherwise. If there is no relief within a half hour, then I do it again. Usually it works right away.
Enemas are also excellent when pain or severe detox occurs. They, much of the time, bring instant relief. Sometimes lower back pain is a result of impacted fecal matter. Give it a try.
I hope you feel better. You've come a long way. I hope you make it to the finish line.
Best to you,