Continue blog 8 y
Extreme treatment for Systemic Candida overgrowth infection, fungal infections, and a word about coffee enema and liver toxicity.
Hi, it’s been a few weeks since I posted my experience with Candida. As you may know it is difficult to get a diagnosis of systemic candida infection without the extreme physical symptoms of a rash that looks like psoriasis or eczema all over and white patches. By this time you are extremely ill. I wanted to put links to sites that would help diagnose possible candida infection but as a new blog this is not allowed. Later I will add some names of good sites.
To continue with the cure I use I will again ask caution on your part. Please consider the benefits and dangers of such things as ... read more
Mental fogginess,fatigue,feeling unwell, Candida overgrowth 8 y
Severe candida severe liver toxicity After a lot of trial and error and investigation i found these very effective steps
For about 30 years I had a general feeling of being unwell.
SKIP IF YOU ARE NOT INTERESTED I will give a brief overview of how my health deteriorated thru my abuse of my body. I started drinking coffee at 13. I liked the stimulation. By the time i was 20 my adrenal glands were in serious fatigue and coffee no longer worked. This began my serious health problems. I was always tired at work so i drank coffee, ate sweet cakes for the sugar rush and used what ever legal stimulants i could. Gensing, effedrine, various supplements. What i didnt realize is all these things just made me worse. ... read more