Collective Disease Incorporated
by Lapis
Page 9 of 22

NWO Quotes   20 y  
The New World Order is a corporate elitist dream being installed by their puppet politicians. Here are some quotes that highlite their aganda.
”We are not going to achieve a new world order without paying for it in blood as well as in words and money.” Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., in Foreign Affairs (July/August 1995) THAT quotation and the following - and many others like them - clearly demonstrate that the words ”new world order” are deadly serious and furthermore, have been in use for decades. They did not originate with President George Bush in 1990. The ”old world order” is one based on independent nation-states. The ”new world order” involves the elimination of the sovereignty and independence of nation-states and some for ...   read more

Pope: New World Order   20 y  
The New World Order is going full steam ahead....
Pontiff urges world to unite against terrorism and other blights Last Updated Sun, 25 Dec 2005 13:37:28 EST CBC News Pope Benedict urged people to unite against terrorism, poverty, pandemics and environmental destruction, in his first Christmas Day address from the Vatican. He also called for a ”new world order” to correct economic and ethical imbalances, and appealed for protection for people suffering from ”tragic humanitarian crises” in the Darfur region of Sudan and elsewhere. Despite cold weather and drizzling rain, tens of thousands of people cheered and called out the Pop ...   read more

Bush Spies on Green Peace et al   20 y  
Democracy Now reveals the Bush administrations spying on long established activist groups (that hold dissenting views against corporations that Bush serves).
Listen to Segment || Download Show mp3       Watch 128k stream       Watch 256k stream Newly released documents show counterterrorism agents at the FBI have been monitoring domestic organizations active in causes as diverse as peace, the environment, animal cruelty and poverty relief. The documents came as part of a series of Freedom of Information Act lawsuits brought by the American Civil Liberties Union. We are joined today by members of three groups under FBI surveillance: Greenpeace, PETA and the Catholic Worker. [includes rush transcri ...   read more

Judge Quits Over Bush Spying   20 y  
People in high places are seeing waht is going on concerning Bush's illegal spying and reacting.
Spy Court Judge Quits In Protest Jurist Concerned Bush Order Tainted Work of Secret Panel By Carol D. Leonnig and Dafna Linzer Washington Post Staff Writers Wednesday, December 21, 2005; Page A01 A federal judge has resigned from the court that oversees government surveillance in intelligence cases in protest of President Bush’s secret authorization of a domestic spying program, according to two sources. U.S. District Judge James Robertson, one of 11 members of the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, sent a letter to Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. late Monday not ...   read more

Bush Spies On Dissent   20 y  
Persons with disenting views are under attack by the Bush administration under the false pretense of "terrorism".
SPIES LIKE U.S. “His malice may be concealed by deception, but his wickedness will be exposed in the assembly.” Proverbs 26:26 Evidence indicates Bush wire-tapped alternative media Is Bush using warrant-less spying as a pretext to monitor U.S. “enemies” list? by Tom Flocco WASHINGTON—December 22, 2005——There is evidence that President Bush’s executive order authorizing eavesdropping on phone conversations of U.S. citizens, monitoring email and gaining access to private computers while failing to follow the law requiring court-ordered warrants may amount to crimina ...   read more

Spying Not New   20 y  
The stage is being set for another staged event like 911 inorder for the Bush administration to say "see we need to lock things down". This recent leak about him using his position to order internal spying, will then become another element in the typical Problem...Reaction...Solution strategy of locking down a totalitarian police state in, what once was, the land of the free and home of the brave.
Government Spying On Citizens Is Not New How naïve can you get? Evidence shows they’ve been doing it for decades Steve Watson | December 19 2005 Last week, the New York Times suggested that the Bush administration has instituted ”a major shift in American intelligence-gathering practices” when it ”secretly authorized the National Security Agency to eavesdrop on Americans and others inside the United States to search for evidence of terrorist activity without [obtaining] court-approved warrants.” Bush defended the actions Saturday, saying that he acted i ...   read more

You're Being Watched   20 y  
Basically if you don't fit the corporate elites idea of an ideal subserviant slave, then you are a terrorist and must be dealt with accordingly. Brave New World? You bet!!!
All these troubling activities are very much supported by President Bush and his covert New World Order agenda. Where Hitler failed, Bush and his backers aim to succeed. The totalitarian regime is here! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ F.B.I. Watched Activist Groups, New Files Show ERIC LICHTBLAU / New York Times | December 20 2005 Counterterrorism agents at the Federal Bureau of Investigation have conducted numerous surveillance and intelligence-gathering operations that involved, at least indirectly, groups active in causes as diverse as the environment, animal cruelty and po ...   read more

Story Leaked On Purpose   20 y  
It is important to note that the corporate elite and their political puppets control the mainstream media and nothing would ever be leaked that wasn't meant to be. This story goes on to explain the design of the leak. Prepare yourself for another "terrorist" event. Reichstag 2!
Why The Patriot Act Is Intended To Fail Next attack will give Globalists reason to blame ’Constitution huggers,’ NSA spying leak part of the disinfo Alex Jones & Paul Joseph Watson | December 20 2005 From all the indications we have studied it seems that the Patriot Act is intentionally destined to fail so that when the Globalists carry out a terror attack they can blame ’civil liberties advocates’ for preventing them from keeping the general public safe and then reject out of hand criticism of all future police state legislation that they pass. Neo-Cons who have received their u ...   read more

Criminal Mind In Action   20 y  
Nixon did similar and was impeached, yet Bush is doing far worse ongoing and is still struttin. Amazing!
Bush vows to continue eavesdropping in U.S. By David E. Sanger The New York Times SUNDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2005 WASHINGTON President George W. Bush has acknowledged that he ordered the National Security Agency to conduct an electronic eavesdropping program in the United States without first obtaining warrants, and he said he would continue the highly classified program because it was ”a vital tool in our war against the terrorists.” In an unusual step, Bush delivered a live weekly radio address Saturday from the White House in which he defended his action as ”fully consistent with m ...   read more

The Furher Flails   20 y  
This man is a veritable shoe in for the new Hitler. The new nazi's are setting up shop.
Bush defends eavesdropping, blasts senators on Patriot Act Edward Epstein, Chronicle Washington Bureau Monday, December 19, 2005 Washington -- President Bush said Monday it was a ”shameful act” for someone to disclose that he has secretly allowed anti-terrorism wiretaps and e-mail intercepts without court orders and warned that planned congressional hearings into the eavesdropping would assist America’s terrorist enemies. At a White House press conference, Bush also assailed senators who have held up renewal of 16 provisions of the Patriot Act due to expire on Dec. 31 over ...   read more

Presidential Speech   20 y  
Here is Bush's speech from the oval office "depropogandized" for your viewing pleasure.
By Jason Miller 12-20-5 President Discusses Iraq In Address To The Nation The Oval Office 9:01 P.M. EST Good evening. Three days ago, in large numbers, Iraqis went to the polls to choose their own leaders - a landmark day in the history of liberty. In coming weeks, the ballots will be counted, a new government formed, and a people who suffered in tyranny for so long will become full members of the free world. (Three days ago, in large numbers, Iraqis went to the polls to choose their own leaders from a carefully vetted group of candidates who will adhere closely to neo ...   read more

Bush Desperate   20 y  
There is no end to this man's deceptive power. How much longer will the American public put up with this tyrannt?
Newsweek’: Bush Asked Keller, Sulzberger to Stop Spy Story By E&P Staff Published: December 19, 2005 8:30 PM ET NEW YORK Less than two weeks ago, on December 6, President George W. Bush was so desperate to stop The New York Times’ secret spy program story he summoned Publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr. and Executive Editor Bill Keller to the Oval Office to try to talk them out of running it, Newsweek reported on its Web site on Monday. The Newsweek article was written by Jonathan Alter and terms the latest spy scandal ”Snoopgate.” ”The Times will not comment on the meeting,” A ...   read more

Dictator Bush   20 y  
Bush and his administration think they are above the law. THIS is unquestionably the installing of a dictatorship. Time to pull on the reigns.
Boxer Asks Presidential Scholars About Former White House Counsel’s Statement that Bush Admitted to an ’Impeachable Offense’ December 19, 2005 Washington, D.C.– U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) today asked four presidential scholars for their opinion on former White House Counsel John Dean’s statement that President Bush admitted to an “impeachable offense” when he said he authorized the National Security Agency to spy on Americans without getting a warrant from a judge. Boxer said, “I take very seriously Mr. Dean’s comments, as I view him to be an expert on Presidential abuse of ...   read more

Bush Christmas   20 y  
Let's end the suffering. Impeach Bush and his band of criminals.
Endangered Values   20 y  
I am sharing John Cullison's post because i think it DEMONstrates the current moral slide perpetrated by the american government under a false guise of religious superiority as well as other false propoganda. They have sold the world a pack of lies and continually prove that the world is in the hands of sick and twisted entities.
A highly respected member of our Curezone community posted this in a forum here and I wanted to share it as a blog as well because it is worth repeating. Thanks John, may enough people wake up to the attrocities being committed in the name of democracy and freedom as well as religion, and take the necessary steps to return our world to a place of compassion and kindness. Let the sham fall! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Even ”War Crimes” seems too tame. This is an excerpt from Our Endangered Values, Jimmy Carter’s new book. After visiting six of the twenty-five or so U.S. pr ...   read more

FBI Witch Hunt Site   20 y  
Here is a site dedicated to the ongoing corporate elite's FBI ongoing witch hunt's against what they term as "eco-terrorists," etc.
Dissent is being rounded up and given the label of terrorism in the new Nazi USA. Please do not take this lightly!!! ” was created in response to the US government’s increasing use of Grand Juries, and other tools of repression, against activists. The government relies heavily on misinformation and secrecy in its efforts to crush various social and political movements. It is our goal to provide a forum for activists across the country, from all movements, to relay information about their ongoing struggles against government repression, ...   read more

Gowan Punished for Dissent   20 y  
The new totalitarian american government is going to extremes to silence dissent by using it's new police state powers to do so. Danile McGowan is one of several american domestic political prisoners that is being made example of by the corporate owned american government. He is being held as a political prisoner on trumped up bogus charges and denied bail by an obvious kangaroo court.
The Unfolding Case Against Daniel McGowan Daniel McGowan and a ham sandwich New York, New York, U.S. - In a very unusual turn of events, the government disclosed some interesting facts about their case against Daniel McGowan during his transfer/detention hearing in federal court on December 8th. Daniel was represented by attorney Martin Stolar, president of the New York chapter of the National Lawyers Guild. Five members of his very supportive and close knit family were in attendance, as well as his long-time girlfriend and about 25 friends and co-workers, who only learne ...   read more

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In this blog I will bring to light incoherent practices in government and industry (hard to tell them apart) and how this has a detrimetnal effect on our collective reality. We must identify the disease so we can learn from it and heal it. Our global collective disease centers around control, greed, domination and and even bigger problem...apathy. Topics will include global conspiracies, and how we are trained to give our power away to the global elite. Awareness is critical to change.… more...

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Created: 20 y   Sep 20 2005


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Comments (10 of 284):
Re: CIA Fakes Karlin 6 y
Re: Canadian Tortu… lying… 15 y
Re: V For Vendetta popoe 18 y
BRAVO! Nexus Magaz… #5058… 18 y
LAPIS, nice to see… #5058… 18 y
Fintan Dunne... #50585 18 y
relevant vibr8 18 y
Great article!! 2dreem 19 y
Check this link out #3922 19 y
Google video rudenski 19 y
All Comments (284)

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In The Raw  19 y  (269)
Resonance: "a vibrational col…  19 y  (144)
Alternative Health (A to Z)  19 y  (46)
Pharma Watch  19 y  (38)
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