day 14 12 y
14 day fast --day 14
Well, I made it to christmas day and then had turkey as planned. Now, I am not feeling well however. I lost 25 pounds in 14 days and I feel pretty good!!
Now starting tomorrow I will begin a 30 day fast! I cant wait to begin....see you tomorrow.
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day 7 water fast 12 y
DAY 7 Water Fast
Its Day 7 and I am feeling pretty good. I have not run in 3 days due to working too many hours! I am a bit weak but not too bad. Hunger is gone completely. My tongue is white and I am not bloated any more. I dont know what that was but it passed yesterday. I increased my water intake per day so perhaps that helped. I have now cut out all caffeine as well so I am suffering some headaches currently. My cold is completely gone which is great! The fast I think took care of that pretty quick. I have not weighed myself in a couple of days but tomorrow I will have a weigh in.
This is ... read more
Day 5 Water Fast 12 y
Day 5 Water Fast
This is Day 5 of my water fast. Today I am feeling a bit dizzy so I started to drink a bit more water and take it easy when I stand up. My tongue is white today which means my body is finally cleansing. My stomach is growly today but I am not hungry. My blood pressure is good and my pulse rate is 54 which is quite normal for me. My pulse rate normally will go down to about 42 when I am mid fast. I am doing this fast under the care of a physician by the way. If my doctor advises me to stop I will do so. Or if my hunger returns I will stop as well. This is the bodies way of telling ... read more
14 day water fast 12 y
Well, I am back again on another fast. I still have not gained any weight back from my other fasts. In total, since May 2012, I have lost 75 pounds! I have done this through fasting and dieting. I have found that by fasting, my skin has bounced back to its original size, no stretch marks after weight loss and no slack skin!! Thats pretty good for 44 years old! I feel great and cannot stress more how these fasts have cleansed my body, given me energy and allowed me to lose weight I have been trying to lose for years!
Today is actually day 4 of my water fast! This fast was much easi ... read more
Add Blog To Your Favorites! I am going on another 14 day fast!! The last on was awesome so I am hoping to repeat those results. more...
Last Activity: 12 y ago 4 Messages Last message 12 y ago 0 Comments Last comment 12 y ago
viewed 56,229 times Created: 12 y Dec 16 2012
Blogs by RainbowDreamGirl (6): 17 Day Water fast 12 y (6) Water Fast 11 y (5) water fast 9 y (4) 30 Day Water Fast 12 y (4) 30 Day Fast 8 y (3) water fast 10 y (1)
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