Creative Quote 18 y
Nice quote on creativity.
I am a creative person. I choose to share my uniqueness through my
creations. I express my JOYful spirit through my art.
- Wendy H. Chapman
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Momentum of Achievment 18 y
"Start small, with a goal that's easily attainable, and then put in the effort to achieve it. Let yourself experience the wonderful sense of fulfillment, enjoying how good and right it feels."
Momentum of achievement
Do you remember how great it feels when you set a goal and then reach
it? Now would be an excellent time to make a new positive memory of
The more you achieve, the more highly motivated you become to achieve
again. Achievement feeds on itself, so make sure to give it some good
solid nourishment.
Start small, with a goal that’s easily attainable, and then put in the
effort to achieve it. Let yourself experience the wonderful sense of
fulfillment, enjoying how good and right it feels.
Then move quickly to something a little more challengin ... read more
Success 18 y
"When a job needs doing, and everyone else complains that
they "don't feel like it" that's your cue to feel like it, and get it."
done. "
Everyone wants to achieve success, yet too often when it comes to
making the necessary effort, too many people simply don’t feel like it.
To rise to a new level of achievement, what you first must to do is
feel like it. When a job needs doing, and everyone else complains that
they ”don’t feel like it” that’s your cue to feel like it, and get it
How do you feel like it when others don’t, or won’t? Connect your
feelings with the long-term end result, rather than with the short-term
inconvenience or discomfort of doing what’s necessary to get there.
Keep in mind ... read more
Power 18 y
"Remember, true power doesn't need to shout to
prove itself. It can whisper and still be heard."
People who feel the need to prove their power
usually worry, secretly, that they hold no power at
Deep down they are trying to prove something to
themselves. And the more they continue down this
path, the more they prove their doubts correct!
If you find yourself trying to prove your power to
others, stop. Let your power make itself known,
through your quiet, calm confidence and the respect
that surrounds you.
People who feel the need to prove their power
usually worry, secretly, that they hold no power at
Deep down they are trying to prove somet ... read more
Tolerance 18 y
I prefer to think of this term as acceptance.
Tolerance is a virtue in some and a struggle for others. At
the threshold of humankind is a variety in us so great that tolerance
is the cradle keeping us in a basic harmony. Sometimes when we look at
others, our initial response is to judge them in some way; even small
insignificant things are registered and evaluated. Tolerance is the
message you program in your head that urges you to suspend judgment.
Tolerance allows you to accept in others what you would not choose for
yourself - yes accept it, for it may offer you a great gift one day
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Main Truth 18 y
This leads to coherency...
See yourself in others and then who can you harm?...
~ Buddha ~
Ring a bell?
If not well then re-member this...
Do unto others that which you would have others do unto you and that
which you do unto others you do unto thy self...
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Just Listen 18 y
Focused listening is focused connecting. Try it.
Just Listen
I suspect that the most basic and powerful way to connect to another
person is to listen. Just listen. Perhaps the most important thing we
ever give each other is our attention. And especially if it’s given
from the heart. When people are talking, there’s no need to do anything but
receive them. Just take them in. Listen to what they’re saying. Care
about it. Most times caring about it is even more important than
understanding it. Most of us don’t value ourselves or our love enough
to know this. It has taken me along time to believe in the power of simple
saying, ”I’ ... read more
Healing Power 18 y
A good healing meditation.
Healing Power Meditation
Lay down in a comfortable position with eyes closed.
Breathe deeply, feeling the power of the air moving inward and outward
through your nostrils. Sense the life-giving power of your breath, knowing
that it sustains you with health, radiance and love.
As you breathe in, visualize a brilliant white light
flowing inward through your nostrils, quickly filling your entire body. As
you continue to breathe deeply, this powerful white light surges through
your being, enveloping all pain and fear in your body. Now exhale
through your mouth. The light easily ex ... read more
Sending Light 18 y
Attatchements? Try this out...
Sending some Light
When I just sent you a ray of light, I prayed and asked the Universe
to connect you with the healing - good energy - that I was
sending...and may IT bless you and embrace you.
Sending you light is like throwing a ball of energy through the sun.
Your Spirit is vast and powerful. You have given so much focus to
certain elements that your power has made it intense. Change your focus (for
example, think about something that would make you feel good, happy,
uplifted, etc.) and allow yourself to let new higher energy to flow in.
Let go of the past and release ... read more
Make it Special 18 y
"The more you make use of the positive possibilities in your life, the more richness your life will have."
Make it Special
Think of what you can do to make this day special and memorable. There
are plenty of opportunities.
You could spend a few minutes walking or sitting quietly in the park,
listening to the gentle wind as it blows in the trees above. You could
telephone a friend just to say hello and enjoy a real and meaningful
You could take your child to discover a new and exciting place. You
could give your time and attention to someone who is lonely.
It doesn’t require a lot of money or even very much time to place a
unique, glittering jewel of an experience i ... read more
It's Your Choice 18 y
"Your circumstances do not determine your feelings."
It’s Your Choice
The challenges of each day are difficult enough on their own. There is
no need for you to add to them by feeling lousy. In fact, you can feel
precisely how you decide to feel. So choose right now to feel positive,
enthusiastic, alive and ready to do great things.
Sit up straight or better yet, stand up. Take a long deep breath and
let it fill you with pure, positive energy. Put a smile on your face and
an enthusiastic spring in your step. Take control of the way you feel
and let those feelings empower you.
Not only are you much more effective on those days whe ... read more
Giving is Receiving 18 y
"Today, your task is to imagine you have all the resources in the world, and you can bless people with whatever it is you think they need."
Giving is one of the best feelings in life. It is to be
distinguished from sacrifice, which does not allow us to receive. When we are
giving, we are truly feeling our greatness. All that we give
automatically opens the door for us to feel good and to receive in the moment. This
is why so many of the early native tribes were so generous. Giving
allowed them to feel their greatness of spirit. Giving is really a form of
receiving. The extent to which we give to a person is the extent to
which we feel them giving love to us. They may be totally loving us, but
if ... read more
Let Go 18 y
Letting go is a big part of getting clear.
Let go
Let go of that nagging feeling that something could go wrong. For
whatever may happen, you can always choose a way to move forward.
Let go of your resentment and anger over things that are beyond your
control. Do the very best with where you are, with what you have, and
that will be more than enough.
Let go of the pain you carry from things that happened long ago. Allow
yourself to experience the glorious freedom of forgiveness.
Let go of the needs that you don’t really need, that keep your life so
anxious and complicated. Find real fulfillment not in getting, but in
... read more
~ Lose Your Mind ~ 18 y
Here is a great way of explianing the importance of remaining in "the now."
Lose Your Mind and Come to Your Senses
By Eve Delunas
Back in the 1960’s, a famous psychologist named Fritz Perls used to
say, ”Lose your mind and come to your senses.” It is only in recent years
that I understand the profound wisdom inherent in that message. I now
know the most important step we can take in our spiritual evolution is
to stop identifying with our minds, so we may align with our Spiritual
When we ”lose our minds” we do, indeed, come to our senses. The present
moment of our lives becomes infinitely richer and more satisfying. We
are able to access deep ... read more
Interdependence 18 y
"One of the many gifts that nature offers us is a
clear demonstration of the interdependence between all living things."
The Truth Of Interdependence
Picking a leaf off the ground and contemplating it as
an object in and of itself is very inspiring. Its shape and color, the
way it feels in your hand, its delicate veins and the stem that once
held it fast to the branch of a tree-all of these qualities reveal a leaf
to be a miniature work of natural art. As we contemplate this small
object more deeply and consider where it came from and what purpose it has
served, we find that the leaf is one small but essential part of a
system that harnesses the energy of the sun, plumbs the depths of ... read more
Teacher: a beautiful story 18 y
The difference caring can make is very evident in this story.
Teacher- a beautiful story
There is a story many years ago of an elementary teacher. Her name was
Mrs. Thompson...and as she stood in front of her 5th grade class on the
very first day of school, she told the children a lie. Like most
teachers, she looked at her students and said that she loved them all the
But that was impossible, because there in the front row, slumped in his
seat, was a little boy named Teddy Stoddard. Mrs. Thompson had watched
Teddy the year before and noticed that he didn’t play well with the
other children, that his clothes were messy and that he ... read more
Essence of Tact 18 y
The delivery of a message can be just as important as the message.
Essence of Tact
A Sultan called in one of his seers and asked how long he would live.
”Sire,” said the seer, ”you would live to see all your sons dead.” The
sultan flew into a rage and handed the prophet over to his guards for
He then called for a second seer, and asked him the same question.
”Sire,” said the prophet, ”I see you blessed with long life, so long
that you will outlive all your family.” The sultan was delighted and
rewarded this seer with gold and silver jewelry.
Both prophets knew the truth, but one had tact, the other did not.
~ Brian Cavanaugh, ... read more
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