My Unusual Road of Life....
by kerminator
Page 47 of 113

Let God work thru you   5 y  
** Your faith and beliefs can aid and help those whom God has placed upon your pathway! **
* May, God which is in you flow to someone in need. * MATTHEW 5:13-16 Believers Are Salt and Light 13 “You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men. 14 “You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lamp-stand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. 16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in ...   read more

God's rewards are far greater than your suffering   5 y  
** God's reward is infinitely greater than any suffering we will ever encounter. **
God’s reward is far greater than any suffering you may encounter in life! Matthew 5:12, “Rejoice, and be exceedingly glad: for great [is] your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.” Text: Matthew 5:10-12 Jesus is saying that persecution should actually cause us to rejoice. There are many positive things about oppression but one of the best reasons to celebrate is because of the reward awaiting us in heaven. Jesus takes the persecution of His saints very seriously as can be seen during the Damascus road experience of the apostle Paul. ...   read more

You have been given Every Advantage needed to Succeed.   5 y  
** You’ve been put in a perfect position to succeed. Everything in the universe has brought you to this point so you can now shine and change your world. **
You have been given Every Advantage needed to Succeed. Why haven’t you? Because it’s easy to talk about how hard our lives are. It’s easy to talk about how unfair life is. And that we always got the short end of the stick. This is just a sob story - or feeling sorry for yourself! Many people fail because they choose to claim and blame their life upon anything else - rather than learning from past experiences. So how does this kind of thinking really help anyone? Never happens! When we judge our situation as worse than someone else’s,we are being ignorant, by saying incorrectl ...   read more

The Hard Truth list   5 y  
** Until you appreciate what you currently have, more won’t make your life better. **
35 Hard Truths You Should Know Before Becoming “Successful” Go to the profile of Benjamin Hardy Benjamin Hardy Feb 22 1. It’s Never As Good As You Think It Will Be “One of the enemies of happiness is an adaptation,” says Dr. Thomas Gilovich, a psychology professor at Cornell University who has studied the relationship between money and happiness for over two decades. “We buy things to make us happy, and we succeed. But only for a while. New things are exciting to us at first, but then we adapt to them,” Gilovich further states. Actually, savoring the anticipation or idea o ...   read more

Spiritual complacency?   5 y  
** in the spiritual realm, only those who are hungry can get fed. **
Spiritual complacency Matthew 5:6, ”Blessed [are] they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.” MATTHEW 5:1-9 In the natural world, people eat even when they aren’t hungry. Many of us can prove that by turning sideways and looking at ourselves in the mirror. But in the spiritual realm, only those who are hungry can get fed. One of the worst things that can happen to us is spiritual complacency. Being hungry for the things of God is one of the best things that can happen to us. Most people don’t feel that way. They would rather have the fe ...   read more

God's words always get results.   5 y  
** Today, make sure your efforts are directed by God and you will experience the results that have eluded you in the past. **
Luke 5:5, ”And Simon answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net.” LUKE 5:1-11 Peter and his companions had been working hard all night. Their efforts had not produced even one fish. They had given up and were headed home. But Jesus told them to try it just one more time. It would have been easy for Peter to reject Jesus’ command. After all, Peter had been a fisherman all his life. Jesus was just a preacher. What did He know about fishing? Yet something, or rather someone, caused Pete ...   read more

Sharing and carling!   5 y  
** “And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. **
We should all try to show all of the children in our sphere of influence the best way to do things. It is not a political thing, or a race thing, or a religious thing, it is the prime directive of the Lord God that we come to love our neighbors! Whenever wherever and however we can in this life! One of the main responsibilities of this earthly existence is to show and share our experience and talents. Life is about sharing and caring with those God places on our pathway of life! It may be in your neighborhood, or the school, or job, or any other place they may be! Associatio ...   read more

A blog reply: on personal Faith   5 y  
** Even in our modern churches of today, even the preachers don't always understand much of the Bible! **
This is a reply received on a blog I write: It shows how the Word of God can and will help change your circumstances! From: Betty, I understand the Jews back then. They had known Jesus all of His life. Knew his carpenter father. They just couldn’t grasp the fact that the little boy next door was God. They should have when they saw all the miracles he performed. As well as by the Words He spoke to them. Of course, the 12 did. Then in our modern churches of today, even the preachers don’t always understand much of the Bible. They go by the seminary teaching which is no ...   read more

Our inabilities should make us more dependent upon God   5 y  
** Jesus never chose an apostle from among the religious system. **
People who recognize their own inabilities are more dependent upon God. Mark 1:16, ”Now as he walked by the sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and Andrew his brother casting a net into the sea: for they were fishers.” MT. 4:13-22; MK. 1:16-20; LK. 5:27; JN. 5:38 Jesus never chose an apostle from among the religious system. Every one of his twelve disciples were men that He chose from the secular world. It wasn’t because God didn’t have faith in those who were religious. It’s just that most of those who were part of the religious system didn’t have any faith in God. One of the ...   read more

Coconut Butter: The Better, Healthier Butter   5 y  
** Basically, instead of being stored as fat the way that long-chain fatty acids are typically stored, it’s converted into fuel that can be used by the muscles right away. **
Coconut Butter: The Better, Healthier Butter? By Dr. Josh Axe, DC, DMN, CNS April 16, 2017 You surely know that I’m a big lover of coconut oil because of its many healing properties, so it should come as no surprise that I also use coconut butter from time to time. Because every bit of the coconut is used in some way, such as in the making of coconut water, coconut milk, coconut nectar/coconut sugar, and even coconut flour, it’s often referred to as the tree of life, and that’s where coconut butter comes into the picture. Coconut butter comes from coconut meat. Essentially, ...   read more

A Facebook Fact-Checker?   5 y  
** Thousands of journalists are currently looking for work; hiring them to enthusiastically root out the lies and propaganda that are ruining so much of public life — and identify who is deliberately spreading it — might be a good start. **
I Was A Facebook Fact-Checker. It Was Like Playing A Doomed Game Of Whack-A-Mole. Trying to stem the tsunami of fake news was like battling the Hydra — every time we cut off a virtual head, two more would grow in its place. Brooke Binkowski BuzzFeed Contributor Posted on February 8, 2019, at 15:59 ET Facebook has always struggled to comprehend the scale of its fake news and propaganda problem. Now, it’s struggling to retain the fact-checkers it paid to try and deal with the crisis. Last week both Snopes and the Associated Press ended their partnerships with the social netw ...   read more

Our relationship is key   5 y  
** We must always base our relationship with the Father on who we are in our spirit through Christ Jesus. **
Our relationship is key John 4:24, ”God [is] a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship [him] in spirit and in truth.” Read: JOHN 4:4-26 Man dwells primarily in the physical and emotional realm, but God is a Spirit (1 Sam. 16:7). To have true fellowship with God, we have to relate to God on the spiritual level. In order to make this possible, God changed our spirit. At salvation, our spirit became totally new (11 Cor. 5:17). It is now righteous and truly holy (Eph. 4:24). It is now exactly the way Jesus is because our born again spirit is the spirit of the Lo ...   read more

The American Jubilee   5 y  
** Now look... what I've described to you here—a national Jubilee that could wipe out trillions in debt from irresponsible borrowers, while robbing millions of Americans of their legitimate savings—is EXTREMELY controversial. **
** Here is a true view of where many people are following a Falsehood or lies and dragging the nation with them. We must react or else much of what you know will be gone - forever! Dear Fellow American, I’m sure I don’t have to tell you there’s a radical Socialist movement brewing in America in 2019... New York Mayor Bill de Blasio recently said: “Brothers and sisters, there’s plenty of money in the world. There’s plenty of money in this city. It’s just in the wrong hands.” New York Mayor Bill de Blasio is part of a growing socialist movement brewing in America. Read ...   read more

Jesus was the most selfless person   5 y  
** A lesser man would have been intimidated into showing His superiority **
Jesus was the most selfless person John 4:1,3, ”When therefore the Lord knew how the Pharisees had heard that Jesus made and baptized disciples more than John...He left Judaea.” MT. 4:12; MK. 1:14; JN. 4:1-3 This is an interesting passage of scripture. On the surface, it might look like Jesus was running from a fight. Now that John the Baptist was out of the way (he had been imprisoned), it was inevitable that the Pharisees would attack Jesus. One thing we can be sure of is that there was no fear on our Lord’s part. On other occasions He demonstrated that no one ...   read more

Forgiveness is not Elective   5 y  
** May the Lord give you the faith and grace right now to forgive in Jesus Holy Name!**
** Forgiveness is not Elective Matthew 4:13 is the thirteenth verse of the fourth chapter of the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament. In the previous verse, Jesus had returned to Galilee where he had grown up after hearing of the arrest of John the Baptist. Then in this verse, he moves from Nazareth to Capernaum on the NW coast of the sea of Galilee, an important commercial port on the ancient trade route. Jesus moved to Capernaum to establish a sort of headquarters for his earthly ministry. Some scholars have debated the New Testament claim that Jesus had spoken a ...   read more

The pot is boiling!   5 y  
** Seek the Truth at all costs and do not be mislead by flashy distractions! **
The pot is boiling and most people are either ignorant or so preoccupied that they do not notice it! Mass Media keeps the pot stirred with trivial news attacking everything good and moral with lies and misinformation! Most of the people are just following whatever is popular or trending.- Most of which are seemingly stories that are marching to the Socialist Liberal theme of total control! They are keeping people’s attention off the truth and directed by much of the social media. That way they will soon come to ”What happened moment” too late. Without any real thought as to morals or ...   read more

What is Writing style, after all?   5 y  
**https://The 5 Elements Of A Captivating Writing ** From: Sent by Medium · 799 Market Street, 5th floor, San Francisco, CA 94103 Switch to the Weekly Digest · Careers · Help center ·
Go to the profile of Amir Afianian Amir Afianian Dec 23, 2018 What is style, after all, but the effective use of words to engage the human mind? — Steven Pinker I’ve been always enchanted by the writings that hook my attention. What is the mystery? What are the secret elements that those adroit writers weave into the fabric of their prose? A superb writer must initially be a superb reader, Steven Pinker a Harvard psycholinguist suggests. Writers acquire their technique by spotting, savoring, and reverse-engineering examples of good prose. Hence, join me and Ste ...   read more

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Stories of unusual happenings that either happened to me, or were related to me; or were some part of my life! Some blogs will be on events that effect us - some political or of general human interest!… more...

Last Activity: 3 mon ago
1929 Messages   Last message 27 mon ago
340 Comments   Last comment 3 mon ago

viewed 3,510,143 times
Created: 19 y   Apr 28 2005


Comments (10 of 340):
Re: Let's get a fe… been … 27 mon
Re: Thriving Marri… johnt… 30 mon
Re: Try to make ev… carme… 32 mon
Re: How we should … chris… 3 y
Re: Medicine Recall James… 3 y
Re: If I had only … kermi… 3 y
Re: Is there balan… TomSa… 3 y
Re: Where we stand… kermi… 3 y
Re: Where we stand… Chef-… 3 y
Re: Black History … ren 3 y
All Comments (340)

Blogs by kerminator (6):
My Quest for the Truth of Lif…  2 y  (310)
Absolute Truth Some Wisdom an…  3 y  (291)
Ya’ think??  3 y  (275)
Brain Boot Camp or Mindset Ma…  28 mon  (224)
Southern Etiquette or life in…  3 y  (212)
Forgotten Words!  29 mon  (120)

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