strangely... 13 y
ending the fast & happy
Well... I don’t really know how to put this but even if I do feel so good, I still want to end the fast now before it’s to late.
I saw some posts about people completing a 7 fast & some people were very angry because it did not bring enough benefits to the body etc etc. It was a MC by the way but still.
I am going off the fast today, slowly & maybe come back when I’ll have enough time to do a proper long fast (water fast is my favorite) & be able to fully concentrate on that.
I must say that I am relieved now I know I am going to END it. & I can go back to sport!!! yay!!!! It’s ni ... read more
9th june 13 y
all is well, I'm not feeling the spiritual tingling yet
Yesterday was fine :-)
I really am well on this fast but I’m super scared because in a couple of days my bf & I might go down town to get a couple of drinks & actually I really don’t want to :-( Well I really want to go out & stuff but not drink coctails ahhaha. So I will think about that.
Oh and soon it will be my bf birthday & his family invited us to the resatrant, it’s should be ok because it will be after my fast, & i noticed that I really have gained a lot of self control after my fasts, so I probable am not going to indulge in food ^^ But it still scares me a bit because I ... read more
7th june 13 y
Day 3? All is ok :-)
Alright! So I waited enough I think to post today ^^
I’m 66.6 kg, I really don’t like to weigh myself every morning because I become very competitive, but I will try to aim at losing another 4kg before I weigh myself again like before, this means once every two weeks.
So, no temptation but I was curious about my friend who tried to talk me into eating, I don’t think she knows I am fasting at all, but she has a minor problem whith food.
She always makes TOO freakin’ MUCH food sometimes when people come over & the next thing you know she tries to stuff it out in you mouth, because ... read more
6th June 13 y
Day 2 WF
Yesterday went pretty well, I had no cravings and felt well until in the night.
That didn’t happen since a really long time, I felt nauseous for 3 minutes & then went away bit, but it came back a afterwards and so on.
I could sleep ok because I slept on my tummy & it went away.
Today I felt it again but it’s not really disturbing because it lasts a really short time.
I’m ok today, wanted to munch on something. But I had an exam this morning & then I went shopping & my cravings went away ;)
I feel good, I feel I want to drink tea all the time.
My weight this morning 67,3kg ^^ visit the page
Started now 13 y
Started today 5th june 2011
Had two cups of tea & one is just about the right temp for me to drink it!
I’m going to drink water & tea on this fast.
It is going to last 14 maybe 20 days!
I hope I’ll be able to make some time to meditate each day, I looooove it! I might do a tiny amount of yoga too.
I might also give some experience with other fasts, diets etc that I tried, maybe it would help anybody or even myself to determine where I went wrong or where I had to push harder & maybe learn a thing or two...
I do not take supplements because I don’t think it’s a good idea du ... read more
Add Blog To Your Favorites! I begin my I-don’t-know-manyieth-fast today. I am used to fast several times a year. I tend to get very spiritual at those times.
So I’m going to feep a blog for people who might be interested, and also to keep track of one of my fasts!
Goals: I’m doing it for spiritual reasons, to find peace within myself
Goal 2 : I’d like to be back at a previous weight of 60 kg, because I did not see the weight pile up & it has settled right in my mid section, so I’m going to be releaved to not have (or at least have less) belly fat because it can be dangerous.
I’m into sports a lot but I’ll have to b… more...
Last Activity: 13 y ago 5 Messages Last message 13 y ago 0 Comments Last comment 13 y ago
viewed 151,136 times Created: 13 y Jun 05 2011
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