Day 2--I want food 17 y
Day 2 of my master cleanse
Last night I almost just ran upstairs and ate some graham crackers or honey nut cereal. There was a chocolate cake in the house yesterday too. I think the graham crackers were more tempting.
They keep saying it over and over in the forum-- the master cleanse is not a weight loss diet. Over and over. I understand their point-- you can’t just do this and then expect to go back to business as usual.
But I’m so tired of being fat! So sue me if I want to lose weight from this. It’s taken me a year to lose 40 lbs. I don’t want to go so slowly in the next year. So I am hoping with ... read more
Day 1-- Here we go! 17 y
The first day of my master cleanse, some goals, some background.
OK, I have been wanting to do a master cleanse for awhile now, and I feel really motivated right now. I guess I should have done a liver flush first, but I tried a liver flush before, got NOTHING. Maybe I did it wrong, I don’t know. I’m definitely going to try again after I end my cleanse. OK, first off. I have enjoyed coffee in the past, but I hardly ever drink it now, maybe once a week if at all. I also have smoked on and off for the past six years. I’ve quit many times, the longest time when I was pregnant, and I haven’t been smoking for about 4 months now, with about 3 or 4 single-c ... read more
Add Blog To Your Favorites! I'm 24 year old woman who has been overweight for about 5 or 6 years, living quite a bit on junk food. I'm 5' 4" and about a year ago, I weighed 270lbs. With diet and exercise, I am down to 230, with no plans on stopping there.… more...
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viewed 26,030 times Created: 17 y May 19 2007
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