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Re: Pantothenic Acid, good progress so far
just a woman Views: 13,248
Published: 23 y
This is a reply to # 9,066

Re: Pantothenic Acid, good progress so far

Well, I was just choosing random pages in that site and saw different opinions on B5. Some people said it worked for them, but they wanted to decrease the dosage, the other complained that it caused other problems (like losing weight and hair).

There was an Asian girl who took 3 g a day for a year and got 100% result.

In my case, I have been poisoning myself with Antibiotics that srewed me up, so I don't want to have the same result from overdosage of something else.

I did order B5 and still will try it, maybe with low dosage than you do.

Rick, do you take probiotics?
Again, some people say they work great on acne.

Take care.
L, just a woman


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