Just wanna share my one week experience of using vitamin B5 or panthotenic acid so far. I guess most of you have probably read the articles on vit B5, but in case u're new, here are some links:
there are many other resources online, u can just search for it.
Anyway, i went to buy a bottle of 300 capsules of 500 mg pantothenic acid last week... out of desperation. and decided to start the 10g a day regime as described in the link above.
that was a mistake, as i realised now... i took 5 capsules 4 times a day to total 20 capsules (20x500mg = 10g). i called that regime the 5-5-5-5 (since i took 5 capsules 4 times a day). the first day was fine, but on the second day, my body reacted from the acute overdose of B5, with diarrhea, fever, headache, dizziness, sore throat, etc.
i gave it a benefit of the doubt, saying that i might have gotten sick for other reasons... lack of rest etc. anyway, i didn't stop taking B5 despite of that, but reduced it to 3 times a day to total 7.5g(5-5-5). the overdose reaction got worse within the next two days and my
Acne still breaks out.
Then, experimentally, i tried changing the dose to 4-4-4-4 to total 8g a day which is an increase of 0.5g but at a lower dose. interestingly, the overdose reaction reduced within hours to only slight headache. to ensure i'm not imagining it, i continued following that pattern of taking B5 for 3 days (until today). and the slight headache lingers for all 3 days. but the great thing is that my
Acne actually stops breaking OUT! for the first time in years, i woke up today without seeing any new
Acne !!
well, that's it so far. To stop the slight overdose reaction, i'm trying to change the dosage again. I was considering 4-3-4-3 to total 6g or 3-3-3-3-3 to total 7.5g, and decided to follow the first pattern for the next few days and see what happens.
if anyone wants to start taking B5, i suggest starting from small dose, instead of following my big big mistake. i'd recommend starting from 3-3-3-3 and then gradually increase to find the prefect dose for yourself through trials.
p.s. by the way, i'm still on other supplements as well, which i've been taking for months, i.e. flax seed oil, acidophilus, vit C, fiber and vit B complex. i've also done
The Master Cleanser and a few liver cleanses.