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Re: hope after minocycline?
Tina Views: 10,297
Published: 23 y
This is a reply to # 8,780

Re: hope after minocycline?

Don't let the dermatologists suck you into their trap of greed and money. I'm 22 and have had horrible Acne since about 15, I've been to over 10 dermatologists, so I know what I'm talking about when I say: they're basically not as smart as they try to look in their little white lab coat, a door knob probably has a higher IQ, they don't know their ass from their elbow, and I'd sooner trust a politician than a doctor! I know these comments may seem harsh but they're reality. I was put on every medicine known to man, as my wallet deflated, my list of doctor's appointments went through the roof (once they trap you they don't let go) and my skin wasn't getting any better. I've been on benzamycin, mincocyclin, cleocin, retin-a (every one of them), differin, Antibiotics , the mother of all poisons accutane (which by the way gave me rectal bleeding, that became a permanent side effect, I can't even go to the bathroom now without bleeding because of a pill I took 7 years ago, nice right??), and a whole slew of other medicines I can't even remember anymore. I've had injections in my face, accutane requires regular blood work to make sure its doing its job--namely poison you, and I never got better for longer than a month. When I was about to give up I started thinking about diet as a co-factor to my flare ups (even though derms will swear up and down to God, Allah and Mohammed diet has nothing to do with acne) and I eliminated things like caffeine and I noticed it helped. Then I read a post on the Acne forum about boiling rosemary and putting it on your face and I tried it and it actually worked (I was shocked) so trust me just don't buy into their crap. Look up all you can about accutane, because eventually that's what they're going to try to put you on. Accutane's con list is bigger than it's pro list, so you be the judge. Among others it has been linked to freakish birth defects (just look at the picture they supply on the box of pills, talk about scary), suicide and depression, and you're too young to need that kind of sh!t in your life... Hope this info was at least a little helpful, if I can help at least one person stay off accutane then I've done my job... Tina


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