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Re: Dry fast and questions.
srinath Views: 1,028
Published: 8 y
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Re: Dry fast and questions.

PH is nothing but fast insulin carbs.
Its designed to spike your insulin through the roof anytime you eat. However PH also adds to your gut biome in a way that fats do not, and its designed to get you to eat so bland food and yet satiate you, your brain disconnects the strong tastes and flavors to satiety (or atleast that seems to be my perception of it).

I'm eating very very enjoyable food that will satisfy my soul tonight. I was raised on poori alloo and provided that as a reward for 20+ yrs. So I'm filling my soul tonight.
Then I eat good green food tomorrow night. 24 hr fast and high micro nutrition and low macro. Wild greens that take longer to harvest and clean than to eat.
I may fast a day after that - not sure. That's a 48 hr.

I will PH a few days (5) I think.

Then dry fast a few days - probably 5.

I need to get full on data on all of these before June 1. By then I am not allowed to experiment on my body. (my wife is pretty certain she does not want to be turned into a widow when she's out of the country.

Then when she's in India I can dry fast, wet fast and PH to my hearts content as well as keto away.

I am lazy and not a 1/2 way acceptable cook. So there is no reason I'd cook and eat food. It does not motivate me. I may harvest and eat, but that stuff is like eating hay. You'd never get enough of t even digested to cover the effort of being on your hands and knees an hour and cleaning it. Nature's perfect food. Negative macro's.



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