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Dry fast and questions.
srinath Views: 1,058
Published: 8 y

Dry fast and questions.

36 hours in to my dry fast.
I have some questions.

So, I am not thirsty, in fact I used to drink 2 gal of water a day and still have a parched mouth even if I wasn't doing any heavy activity. Not with a dry fast. Nice.

So what would be the symptom for drinking water, I plan on going atleast 3.5 more days dry.

Also, I have no health problems, I don't know what is the signal to end fasting that my body has healed itself.

How do you guys prepare for a fast ?
I essentially was on the road and ate copious amounts of junk food for 3-4 days ahead of the fast.

I was trying to eat out my cravings, and seem to have done that.
That brings me to my next question.

How would I end the fast. I am hoping to get to where all my visceral fat is eliminated and I can eat a low carb diet and maintain under 150lb.



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