You can do the Iodine Skin Test which gives us a ballpark idea of how deficient we are. You paint a patch of Lugols iodne on your wrist and note how long it takes for the stain to disappear.
In my case, I was SEVERELY deficient and the stain was GONE in only a few minutes. The Iodine was quickly absorbed. When you are fully sufficient the stain lasts a lot longer some even suggesting 24 hrs. In my case it definitely lasts a good 12 hrs.
If you do enough research with the Iodine doctors, you will find that 50mg of Lugols or iodoral will get most people sufficient in iodine in 6 months, then drop iodine dosage to maintenance level whitch Dr. Brownstein suggests is 6 to 12mg IF you can avoid all of the toxins such as fluoride, chlorine & bromide.