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Re: Diverticulitis attack after months of overeating?
DesertLili Views: 3,213
Published: 9 y
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Re: Diverticulitis attack after months of overeating?


Good job!
I feel you may not have enough calories. Raw food is more water-containing and you need more frequent eating. Probably sweet fruit like dates, bananas, grapes, figs es can be on of the solutions. Or fatty foods like avocados, more nuts and flaxseed, coconut oil, cold pressed sesame or flax oil, sesame seed and last in this list - olive oil.
If you culturize the nuts (recipe on youtube) you may be able to have more and they will be more digestible, aslo if you mix them with sweet produce like coconut (or whatever available in your area) you will have the nut part and the sweet part together in a healthy way. Look for "Gorilla milk" with Lou Corona on Youtube.
Basically you may need to increase your food quantity and/or caloric value.
I believe, now you fed as many days as you fasted. You may carefully go for an enema, if you think one is needed. Seemingly you do not have anymore bleeding, but I would be rather inclined to think if you wait some more time, then the risk of a new fissure (providing this is what it was) would be lrss likely. If you decide for one, take care to use enough vegetable oil so to avoid any friction that may irritate your colon.
If you have a good ayurvedic clinic around and it is affordable you may inquire if they do Colon Cleanses there and have them teach you how to do it at home.
There is also a description of my Colon Cleanse routine, which I like doing before a fast - you will find it in my recent messages.
Now, I am sure that many would advise that if you eliminate, cleanse is not necessary. I would go with your own feeling - do you need or not a cleanse?
My own criteria for myself is - if I feel there is something stuck, which creates a problem with spasms and local "swelling" more than a day, then I assume either more fiber or cleanse is needed. With time and with using fiber at every meal, this need will gradually subside, if it hadn't already subsided for you.

Take care,



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