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Re: Just looking for some help and advice.
grizz Views: 4,543
Published: 10 y
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Re: Just looking for some help and advice.

You have a very common problem. Millions are suffering from skin problems. Our skin is the largest organ of the body and it suffers from many toxins in our food, water & environment.

Try to eliminate the most important cause of toxins first. Eliminate the Chlorine, fluoride or other chemical added to city water by drinking ONLY distilled or mineral water. No soda pop, diet or otherwise as it contains artificial sweeteners that are toxic. No fruit juices.Eat the fruit instead. In a word: Stop poisoning yourself. Stop eating bread that contains bromide. Eat only bromide free non Genetically-Modified-Organisms bread. I suggest going on a strict Paleo Diet to eliminate ALL packaged foods.

Fluoride is a major cause of skin problems:

Wheat is a major cause of skin problems:
Acne is among the commonest expressions of the health disruption of wheat expressed on the skin, something experienced by 90% of adolescents, with continuing struggles for many adults. Here is Kelly’s story of finally being freed from the constant annoyance of Acne with her wheat-free experience:

Lastly, I suggest you detox all the fluoride, bromide & chlorine accumulated in your body over the years with the Dr. Brownstein Iodine Protocol. Every cell in our body has an Iodine receptor that has been taken over by the toxins that appear to be like iodine. See these 2 links:

See skin issues in our testimonials:

Iodine Deficiency Symptoms:

Lastly, be VERY careful what you put on your face! Use only naturals soaps, no makeup, no chemicals. Natural skin is the best looking skin!

Best to you,


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