Just looking for some help and advice.
Hello, folks!
I've been struggling with my skin ever since I can remember. Probably since I was 12 or so. At first it was just plain acne, which I tolerated until I was about 17 and then after my first EVER visit to a dermatologist - I instantly got prescribed accutane. Looking back on it I think I was way too hasty to accept the treatment. But the doctor promised great results and I was really desperate to find relief. Everything went as the doctor promised. About 2-3 weeks into the treatment I was free of acne. My self-esteem skyrocketed, I became way more social and life seemed much more fun. But my good times were short lived, because a little less than 1 year after the treatment, I started getting this weird red flushing of my skin. Almost like I was blushing, but with a hot burning sensation. Like my face was on fire. Fast forward a couple months and a small hint of redness became permanent and it only got worse from there. The redness increasingly spread and became more visible. It's been about 3 years since my first flushes and now it seems to be a combination of Rosacea and perhaps dermatitis. I wasn't even sure which section to post in. I wonder if this condition could be somehow related to accutane or whether it was just a coincidence?
So what have I tried? I've tried
Water Fasting for up to 7 days, I've tried taking probiotics, using tea tree oil, soaking my face in a high concentration diluted
Sea Salt all kinds of over the counter creams, moisturizers, shampoos etc. But I still haven't found anything. However I did notice times when my skin is much better and also times when it's much worse. In fact this very picture that I'm gonna show you of myself, was taken about 4 months ago and as you can see my forehead is completely clear in it. But right now(4 months later) the middle of my forehead is full of bumps and is inflamed. My forehead has gone back and forth about 2 times already. But I still haven't been able to identify why that is exactly. Anyone has any clue? Was I on to something or was it just random?
I'm kinda lost right now and I'm not even sure of what my condition really is. The dermatologist I went to diagnosed me only with seb. dermatitis. It's only after doing research that I identified myself with having rosacea as well. If anyone can offer me any advice or even just a second opinion on my condition would help greatly. I was thinking of going to a dermatologist again, but I don't really trust them. I'd rather first try whatever I can try on my own.
P.S. Here are the promised pictures: