I order all of my supplies from Amazon.Com. Free shipping on orders > $30. There are many other suppliers for iodine. Do a google search for Iodoral capsules or for Lugols liquid iodine. I prefer the Iodoral capsules.
Every cell in our body includes an iodine receptor, which is required by our immune system to kill fungus, disease & cancers. We get sickly because the toxins of fluoride, bromide & chlorine take over these receptors. The results are devastating to our health, as you can easily see in our testimonials. Optimal Health requires iodine supplements, and Dr. Brownstein recommends 50mg daily.
Our neighbor was sent to home hospice to die from her Uterus Cancer. We gave her Lynne Farrow's book (The Iodine Crises) and she started on iodine. 9 months later, all traces of her cancer were gone. She is still doing well today.
More on iodine & cancer: