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Elimination diet
White Shark Views: 4,496
Published: 10 y
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Elimination diet

I asked about your fasting experience, cause if your face symptoms improved during the water fast, that could be an indication that you are eating some foods that do not agree with you, foods you have problem tolerating.

One way to find out what foods you can tolerate, is to go on juice fast or Water Fast or any other restricted diet, and if the condition improves, you use it a starting point to find out what foods you react to.

After a several days juice fasting, you include one food item in your diet per day.

Whatever food item causes increase in symptoms, worsening symptoms, you eliminate it from your diet for several weeks or months, and you re-test it again later.

Whatever food item gives no symptoms, you place it on your white list.

Some foods like sugar, food preservatives , margarine, processed foods, MSG, etc should be placed on the "black" list immediately.

So, after several weeks or months of testing, you will have 3 lists:

White list: good foods, beneficial foods

Grey list: foods you can tolerate in small amounts or very occasionally

Black list: foods you should avoid

If an of the natural foods ends up on our black list, you should re-test it every 3 to 6 months.

In-between your food testing, you should do a series of Liver Flushes and you should learn about FMT , home made yogurt, paleo diet, low FODMAPS diet, GAPS diet etc.



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