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Why aren't more worms coming out? PLEASE HELP!

Tapeworms, Round worms, Flukes?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Tapeworms, Round worms, Flukes?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

missfoxxy Views: 4,010
Published: 11 y

Why aren't more worms coming out? PLEASE HELP!

Hi. Apologize for the number of times Ive posted here, but I find all of the knowledge and information from other people's experiences infinitely helpful considering nobody else has been able to understand, recognize or care about my problems.

I've been suffering from parasite infection for over a month now- for the first 3 weeks I had NO idea what was going on- I figured it was stomach flu.

Now that Im aware, I've been doing Goldenseal (400mg/3X daily), Raw garlic and coconut oil. Im taking the goldenseal because I had assumed the yellow diarrhea to be a product of Giardia (which I may also have)

The other night, I saw what looked like smallish whitish worms (but thicker, with pointed tails about 1 inch long each)- since I had fasted the entire day before, I figured it MUST be Ascaris or at least segments of them. I also saw tons of seed type things covered in a nasty jelly-like yellow coating. I squeezed them and they were hard, but at that point my poop smelled SO bad I had to stop and flush.

I feel a TON of fluttering in my intestines, so I KNOW there is at least one big one in there doing SOMETHING. I also feel a lot of stinging in specific areas of my stomach, which I assume to be the little critter latching on to feed.

This morning I had a big poop, since I ate a LOT yesterday (compared to my normal rations while Ive been infected), but I put on gloves, mashed through it and found absolutely nothing- all the foreign things looked like things I had eaten yesterday. it came out as one very long mushy poop- so I was excited to see if it was the annoying worm- but alas, it was nothing more than the beef stew and sweet potatoes I ate. I figured maybe the fresh garlic, onion and turmeric in the stew might help with their elimination- but they were probably having a party over the stew.

It looked like the coconut oil came out as a clear film that spread over the toilet water.

I'm really afraid that my infestation has gone systemic since I bombed the parasites with herbs as soon as I knew what could possibly be wrong with me- I now have muscle twitches ALL over my body (my thighs, feet, legs, even eyes, chest, wrists, back etc.) But I've heard that can also be a result of my RAPID diet change
(eliminated sugar, wheat, yeast and dairy almost immediately) Plus, after one night of fasting and taking the garlic/coconut oil, I felt extreme nausea and headache, and definitely feel it to be related to the parasites saying NO.

I have heart pain/palpitations too, so I try to stay hydrated. My mother is telling me to take calcium, Zinc, Magnesium and all other types of supplements, whereas my Brother claims those types of supplements are detrimental compared to those obtained by eating specific foods.

Keep in mind, I am a person with EXTREME health anxiety/paranoia. It's extremely difficult to tell if it's gone systemic or if I am imagining things (I am wiping/touching my eye constantly, fearing a worm will come out)

How do i kill these guys/make them come out of my butt DEAD again? Should I up the dose of Garlic?

BTW- My doctor is of absolutely 0 help- like a lot of people on this forum, my stool tests came out negative and he refuses to believe it could possibly be parasites since I have not traveled. I'm seeing a specialist in NYC soon who might be able to help but I hope its not too late by the time he gets to me

My health is rapidly failing- I am fatigued with extreme muscle soreness.

Somebody PLEASE help me. I've been to the ER and it wasn't any help. They saw nothing in my blood because of course, they said it was a stupid idea to test for Tapeworm antibodies/other parasitic stuff etc. Because it was 'very unlikely' and false negative was 'impossible'



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