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Image Embedded Hijacked Hair
CLEW Views: 17,314
Published: 13 y

Hijacked Hair

Sorry if I post too many images, it just feels like I have to illustrate what I'm thinking.

I remember the first time I saw hairs moving by themselves and made my whole family come in to see what I seeing. No one could believe it or explain it. But they ~did~ see it.

Now, a few years and a microscope later here's at least one possible explanation for this "scare hair". Once again, it's the fungus among us. These "hairs" look like they've morphed with dictyostelium and maybe other types of fungi, setting up shop mostly on the head and scalp, but in the skin in general. Difficult to get rid of because it seems multiply quickly.

Here's a great link to dictyostelium images and info:

Online images for comparison:


My images:
Spore heads?



Fruiting bodies?




This larger exact likeness came out using the parasite paste. One of many.


Cup Fungus?






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