Re: Four ways to save on commercial colloidal silver products
I don't miss the point. I think it is essential to have the means to make your own silver at home in the event that sales do become banned and it is likewise essential to have the information out there on how to make your own generator in the event that generator sales are likewise banned. The commercial units are hardly just a few batteries and alligator clips though, at least not so when it comes to the better ones. The Silver Bullet is a no-frills unit and is reasonably priced. Likewise the Silver Puppy, SilverEdge, Silver Gen, Sota, etc, units that have additional features and the clamshell covers and such are reasonably priced for what they include. With so many manufacturers competing against one another, don't you think one or more would price their units a lot less if there was a tremendous amount of profit? When you take into account the costs of equipment plus labor plus the overhead of having a staff and facility, the prices are not that out of line in my opinion.
Likewise, when you look at the top two colloidal silver products and the equipment and operations behind them, you can't simply make a claim of how overpriced the product is based on the silver content alone, as many try to do. Both Utopia Silver and Mesosilver have literally hundreds of thousands of dollars to perhpas a million dollars or more invested, plus thier facilites and staff. You don't pay for that by charging a couple of bucks a bottle for the silver solutions they make. The products that I think are out of line price-wise are the ones where their setup is little more than a garage operation which uses only a larger version of the typical EIS generator and which rely on bogus sales hype which pretends that their EIS solutions are somehow uniquely superior to all other silver solutions.
"The establishment"? While I agree that a great many people wat to be able to simply buy a commercial product, I hardly consider the owners of the top silver solutions and silver generator makers to be anywhere close to being "the establishment". I know most of them and they are just the opposite.
I like Beck's message a lot. However, I disagree with him on some things, such as his take on garlic, and I wonder why virtually no one has been able to duplicate his hair growth and restored hair color the way he claims to have done. I also disagree with making your own product from a nine volt battery and tap water like he did. There is nothing wrong with tinkering around and making your own generator, but if you do it too much on the cheap then you end up with a vastly inferior product. It may beat nothing, but it isn't what I would want to take if I had a choice.