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Re: Need suggestions for comeback comments that hit a nerve. :)
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Re: Need suggestions for comeback comments that hit a nerve. :)

You make a very good point ff, but discretion is strongly advised, because you don't want to lose respect and because you want your legitimate GRIEVANCE to be heard, NOT your rage. Some people (verbal abusers) simply CANNOT hear the person who is upset and has a grievance unless the person voicing the grievance unless that person hollers and curses, this is because the tormentor (verbal abuser) is self-centered and simply cannot see outside of themselves (they need the motivation of rough language and the other person's anger). A middle ground is necessary. It's a delicate situation because, if you start cursing excessively, you become just as unrighteous as them and justify their distain and disrespect of you. At that point, the verbal abuser will actually rejoice because they have brought you down to their level. It's a tough situation, and CAUTION is necessary.

The key is to learn SEMANTICS (word usage and arguementation, an in-depth study is not necessary, just keep in mind that the words they use are illogical). When they present an arguement of any kind, they (subconciously) cannot allow themselves to be completely logical because then they would become susceptible to REASONING.
"you can't do that" means that 'it is IMPOSSIBLE to do that'.
logical comeback>>>>"then I just did the impossible" (there is no logical way for them to reply, they must admit failure in trying to make you look like a foll, and shows them that you are someone to be reckoned with,...safer and probably more effective approach than anger and rough language, but you make a VERY good point).


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