20 y
Need suggestions for comeback comments that hit a nerve. :)
When someone (My mother) you hate is constantly saying things like:
"You can't do this"
"You'll never make it"
"It'll never work"
"You're going to screw up and then need me to fix it"
"It's so much harder than you think" (coming from a lady who leeched off welfare for years when she was perfectly physically and mentally capable of working. One thing Bush did right..cracked down on Welfare leaches and making laws change!)
What can you say to hit a nerve, something powerful that would sink in and possibly make them get a clue and shut up? That you don't care what they think, you're not changing your plans because they say you can't do it, You know what you're doing.. But something without defending yourself or explaining yourself?
I've done the completely ignoring thing. I've done the "yeah, you're right, yep" "You win" "Sure" "Whatever you say".. and they still do not get it. It's a typical speech I usually get for about 15 minutes in the car on the way to somewhere. The words don't bother me, they're meaningless, but I am wondering if there is something I could say to her that would make her get a clue.
This is NOT someone you can have a mature, calm, rational discussion with.