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Re: I have Liver Problems and need the ABC's This is all Greek to me.
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Re: I have Liver Problems and need the ABC's This is all Greek to me.

Salutations Tracey

Thank you so very much for answering me so many questions.

I can wait patiently for the appropriate posts. Sunday or Monday is ok with me.

I printed out your letter so I could find all the people and places you led me to.

Yes I did download the liver flush, and will begin it as soon as I get two weeks into my Para cleanse.

Last evening we had the deep greens for dinner. My husband was thrilled. He really enjoyed the flavor.

Today was my third day on the Para. My BM’s were speckled with black like coffee grounds. So I decided not to have greens today to see if the flakes are the greens or if it is blood.

Getting down so much water is a task. I have to constantly remind myself. So I put water in front of me and add some cayenne pepper to it. I sure enjoy the tang.

Yes my stomach is hard like a basket ball. My BM’s are 3 to 4 times a day. Very soft, yellow the color of baby BM’s. I stopped farting over 3 months ago. This could also be the reason my stomach is so bloated

The Bentonite & psyllium husks, that will clean out anyone. hehe I will locate where to get them and have them here by the time I start the liver flush. ?Should I do this right away???

Today I found the epson salt and the olive oil. I love olive Oil, so I will use it as you say. It will make my meals taste so much better.

This morning I started the day as you advised. Warm water instead of coffee. My BM’s are about the same. For breakfast I had farm fresh eggs and goats milk added. For dinner I had three table spoons of home made potato salad, our potatoes are grown here also, and a roasted rooster from the barn yard.

Anger is truly an issue in my home. My husband has problems related to his tour of duty in Vietnam. Agent Orange, so he gets me riled up a lot. But today I refused to talk to him till he mellowed out. This made my day go a little better.

Thank you again for helping me. I will continue to watch for your responses.
Hugs Cordia


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