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Re: The Anionic Lemon, the Cure
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Published: 19 y
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Re: The Anionic Lemon, the Cure

Hi PTtogether,
I see you have been busy searching for truth!

Doc Reams was quite a card! He probably did more for promoting the Acid Alkaline pH Balancing idea than anyone else I know of!

He also came up with the RBTI idea!

I remember him telling a class of students that he was just in the first grade and that it was their job to carry on from what he had learned and figure out how to solve the rest of the problems!

Before he died, I do not think he ever came to understand the real importance of the Blackstrap Molasses as a plant based carbon and Alkaline Minerals supply to use with the Lemon juice for to obtain the best results in the body chemistry!

In the part which talked about molasses, many people do not understand the differences between just Molasses and Blackstrap molasses, for there is a world of difference!!

Regular molasses does not contain the high amounts of Alkaline Minerals, as does the Pure Blackstrap Molasses!

I have seem many people who had low blood Sugar problems , who would take either Apple cider vinegar or Lemon juice and add pure blackstrap molasses and drink either of these mixes and in 15 minutes would correct their low blood Sugar and feel good again!

If "ED" had used pure blackstrap molasses with the Lemon juice, in ratios of one half of a fresh Lemon juiced into an 8oz glass of water and added one Tablespoonful of pure blackstrap molasses, then he may have solved his problem!

Smile Tis your choice.



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