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Re: Been struggling for 10 years. Please if you have time, could you lend me your insight.
ZaWarudo Views: 1,430
Published: 5 y
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Re: Been struggling for 10 years. Please if you have time, could you lend me your insight.

Thank you truly for the thorough thought out response.

I will give those forums a browse and see what I can find, I appreciate that.

So I've been told a few times of the possibilities of it being IDP and have been trying for years to heal it. I have however been taking the L-glutamine as recommended by the NDs I saw, but truthfully never noticed any improvements when I used it. It provided some moderate effects like causing chills in my extremities, but after I had that terrible side effect with the chlorella when I took it (especially if I took too much), I immediately would get pain in my lower intestines. I first thought it was my kidneys, but my ND said it reacts to quickly to be filtered by the kidneys and when I pointed out where it hurt was not in line with where my kidneys are according to him. If I take it with food I don't get that pain, but I noticed that I started getting a lot of burning when peeing when taking around 10-15g. I had also been taking bone broth as well in the past, but once again didn't notice much difference.

I am /have been keeping up with magnesium supplements, I noticed that Epsom Salts as well can sometimes provide relief, though they've given me headaches and a deep smoke smell in my sinuses. Though this is the first time I've heard about any of the other supplements you've mentioned. I'm able to find Cordyceps that have a Beta D glucan marker from what appears to be a reputable place. I falso ound a nice collagen amino acid with the glycine combo you mentioned. Is there a certain amount of Inositol with Choline I should take? I've been taking a b complex for ages with those in it.

Is ginko something that I should take as well? Or just as a countermeasure to the Glycine?

Could the fact that I keep regressing once I stop taking any antimicrobials be an indicator of IGP as well? Because even though it's always a roller coaster, at least it feels like there is some relief sometimes if I don't take anything all my symptoms just stay the same or start to roll back and feel worse. But everyone also points to the possibility of lyme. I've been tested at least 3 times and all being negative except for those minor coinfections I mentioned that Drs insist is nothing to worry about.

In regards to Urease, is that the only way to test for Urease? If it looks like it's positive, how do I take appropriate actions to treat it? I've been tested for h.pylori with a scope and it came back negative.

Maybe I'll try going back on my digestive enzymes if it's related to hypochlorhydria. I don't know.. I don't notice much difference anymore when I'm on them so I stopped because I heard that your body can get used to it if you take it too long and not produce its own acid.

I apologize for the super long book of words I previously typed out, I'll remember that for the future or other forums. I figured it would be the best way to get someone who reads it to understand what my perspective is on the situation.

One last thing I'd like to mention, if a lot of this has to do with IGP, how do I introduce new foods? because it seems that unless what I introduce is inherently neutral when it comes to digesting (as in doesnt break down into a lot of sugars) or antimicrobial in nature, my body has a reaction almost immediately and then it's nightmarish pain everywhere for the next few days. Mostly targeted in my eyes/limbs/esophagus and sternum region and testicles.


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