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Re: Been struggling for 10 years. Please if you have time, could you lend me your insight.

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BrightSideOfLife Views: 1,543
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Re: Been struggling for 10 years. Please if you have time, could you lend me your insight.

"Is it possible my organs are just backed up from all this constant detoxing? I need some serious guidance as no one I’ve been to seems to be able to tell me anything that can help me."
Putting it succinctly, yes most definitely!

I suspect that you could have CFS/ME. The constant urinating is a common symptom and the muscle, joint pain and PEM definitely is. Many of your experiences mirror the experiences of people with CFS/ME/Fibro. A large number of them getting initial good responses to treatments which disappear after a short time.

Your problem is caused by Increased Digestive Permeability[IDP] which creates an enormous detox burden for your liver and is what is causing the food sensitivities .

Fixing that is extremely difficult. Forget the recommendations on the web because they are utter nonsense. L-Glutamine cannot and will not fix it and is frequently promoted to treat it. It is a waste of time IMO, it cannot fix it because the cause is an infection by bacteria, yeast or fungi which are biofilm protected.

It would be worth joining Healthrising forum and it's sister site with the dodgy moderator mary who has run a lot of people off Phoenixrising. I would recommend that take with a large pinch of salt a lot of the advice given on those forums. Some of it is very wrong. In particular the advice about viruses and also treating "Leaky Gut" a term that I dislike because it is a false term IMO. Everyone has a leaky gut because a normal ie none infected gut has to be leaky by nature. It is the relative permeability which alters and that is caused by biofilm protected infections which allows insufficiently digested food molecules to enter the bloodstream which promotes antibody production and immune system reaction. That promotes inflammatory processes which damage the body and can cause autoimmune problems.

The tiredness and exhaustion is the result of inflammation and I believe that the hunger is also caused by this. This I believe is the cause of obesity in the general population...... The body uses Grehlin, the hunger hormone to control inflammation but it only makes the matter worse because it is a reaction to food which causes the inflammation therefore eating promotes the problem. This mirrors the obesity epidemic. Cytokine levels can be increased and this affects the mitochondria energy production. Most people as they get older complain of tiredness which is caused by IDP. Therefore be aware of this and now you are aware of it and the problems it can create you should be more able to resist it. Or else it will cause you problems and can promote weight gain. Centralise these ideas in your brain to give you motivation to resist the urge to eat. It takes willpower to stop it. Remember the hunger is working against you because it is NOT reducing the inflammation, it is increasing it because of a fault with your digestive permeability caused by bacteria, yeast or fungi.

Natural anti-inflammatories herbs and foods should help. Cordyceps mushroom in particular can be very helpful. Watch out for the polysaccharides because these are often promoted but many cordyceps extracts contain large amounts of polysaccharides from the growth medium which is useless. This is all included in the false polysaccharide total. Beta D Glucans are what is needed and it is this or at least Beta Glucans which should be looked out for.

I recommend that you take a look at the selfhacked website and search for cytokines and methods to reduce them. It recommends foods and supplements which can lower inflammatory processes and cytokine levels which you should find helpful. They should help a bit to reduce the tiredness/exhaustion.

You may or may not have SIBO. SIBO is usually promoted by poor stomach function and hypochlorhydria. Be aware that probiotics can promote SIBO!

I recommend that you dramatically increase your magnesium intake because it will help in many ways, in particular your detox and will also help reduce inflammatory processes. I would also increase your choline intake because this gets used by the liver and can cause fatty liver if there is not enough available. Take Inositol along with choline (bitartrate) to enhance your livers fat metabolism. Also consider Glycine supplementation because it is an important amino acid for liver detox and also collagen production. That could be why you are slow to heal. Your protein digestion and availability could be low because it is not being broken down correctly. I had this problem myself and my skin healing was extremely slow until I supplemented with collagen promoting amino acids glycine, proline & alanine are the most important ones with smaller amounts of many other amino acids. Glycine especially should help. Glycine with Glutamine/glutamic acid and cysteine ie N-Acetyl-Cysteine is important for Glutathione production by the body which is an important antioxidant and liver detox compound. Glycine is a key amino acid in all of this so supplementing with this might be helpful. It can raise brain GABA levels which can make people feel drowsy and sleepy if too much is taken. I can take a 5ml scoop without problems but 10ml can sometimes make me drowsy but sometimes I am okay. Ginkgo will counteract it.

I would not recommend hydrolysed collagen because the immune system can react to it as it is not fully hydrolysed ie broken down.

Belching indicates poor stomach function and possible urease positive infection. You can self test for this by swallowing some acidic drink such as lemon juice. Swallow some saliva along with it and then if you burp/belch in about a minute it might indicate a urease positive infection of your stomach. Helicobacter Pylori is urease positive and so are many other bacteria and yeast which are currently not recognised as being pathogenic even though they are! Acid reflux can in fact be due to hypochlorhydria ie low stomach acid levels and not because there is too much acid like people usually believe.

BTW if you join either of those two forums HR or PR do not post enormous unbroken text because no on will like it and you will get comments or be ignored. Break it up into small parts.


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