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Re: CBS/MTHFR Mutations, mercury chelation, Leaky Gut, Food allergies, Weston A Price, how do you supplement for these?
purplepixie Views: 8,184
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Re: CBS/MTHFR Mutations, mercury chelation, Leaky Gut, Food allergies, Weston A Price, how do you supplement for these?

Hey Sam,

I did the 23andme test, and although i had researched about methylation before doing the test, and identified a 'possible' methylation problem from the symptoms i have, it is impossible to truly know what you SPECIFICALLY need to address the issues until you get the gene results.

You might be +/+ for MTHFR, or you might be +/-, and coupled with other possible gene mutations within those cycles depends on dose and type of supplement that's individually suited to your genetic results.

Guessing is really hard and i didn't bother supplementing until i had the results.

Another example is that B12 is good for everyone right? My boyfriend and i were taking methylcobalamin, i found increased energy, he felt no difference, became somewhat irritable.
When the gene results for us both arrived i saw that methylcobalamin was LESS suited to his genes and he needed primarily hydroxycobalamin and adenosylcobalamin, and that my results indicated i could handle some methylcobalamin alongside the other B12 types.

It's worth saving up the 99bucks and being patient for the results to tailor-make a regimen.

With the potential detox symptoms of addressing the methylation stuff, i would steer clear of chelating and other hardcore detox protocols while focusing on methylation.
When stable with the methylation regimen, then other imbalances can be addressed.

I have the CBS upregulated gene, 4 of them are mutated, so sulfur foods aggravate an already over-productive pathway.
This ultimately creates a lot of excess ammonia, which in itself can cause the autonomic nervous system to become over-triggered due to ammonia toxicity...thus creating depleted endocrine reserves.

One possible suggestion of a CBS gene problem is if you find you are intolerant to high sulphur foods like garlic, eggs, tomatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage. (These foods seriously create a lot of gas in me..very tight abdomen & bowels half hour after consumption, lasting many hours)
Meat converts to a lot of ammonia in the body so an adverse reaction to meat can also suggest CBS gene issues. (I don't tolerate meat ever since being a child)

Acetly-L-carnitine i would recommend for anyone, it gives energy.

I too want to address's expensive to remove the stuff from the mouth! i am focusing on other issues.
I don't think i could handle chelation, adrenal, thyroid and nutrigenomics all at the same time. That would be quite a demanding regimen and totally consuming all energy. Personally i would work on one at a time, and circulate the regimens.

Obviously increasing methylation IF undermethylated will release more metals as you'll be opening up detox pathways that have been blocked for a while, so it would be wise to chelate again once methylation regimen has been in place for a while.

I do think that a fair portion of people have these detox pathways issues at the genetic level, and thus by the time they hit 30 they have a handful of symptoms that only increase as the toxic burden becomes larger and larger...depending on lifestyle of course.
The body has these pathways to detox everything including metals, but when genetically impaired leads to obvious storage of toxins accumulative as the years pass. To me it seems that is the answer why someone with 10 mercury fillings has no symptoms and another person with 2 fillings has debilitating illness through mercury toxicity.

You didn't state what your question about silica was? From my experience i used it as a provoker before doing a heavy metal urine test, alongside chlorella, which worked very well as i wasn't chelating at the time, and the urine test was positive for mercury.
I also did another test without using a provoker to see if there were any metals normally coming out in urine, which showed copper.
So in my experience, silica stirs-up mercury.


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