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Re: was just Diagnosed as being HIV POS, is Colloidal silver the cure?
Hveragerthi Views: 18,103
Published: 13 y
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Re: was just Diagnosed as being HIV POS, is Colloidal silver the cure?

wow, thats crazy, but I believe it, I read the article, I didnt think I should have it. A counsler came to my house and said the ran 2 test,

What they don't get is the fact that nonspecific antibodies can react to confirmation tests just as they do the original test.  For example, if you had a recent flu vaccine studies have shown that flu vaccines raise counts of antibodies that cross react on HIV antibody tests for about a month.  Since the intial and the "confirmation" tests are both tests for antibodies they will both detect the antibodies that share a similar structure to anti-HIV antibodies.

To make matters worse, the "confirmation test" was shown in studies to be less accurate than the initial test.  Yes, it is a completely ridiculous to use a less accurate test to confirm what it considered a more accurate test.  This is done for cost effectiveness.  The initial test is cheaper to run than the confirmation test.  Gee, that gives me an idea.  An infomercial for HIV antibody tests:  "But wait, order now and we'll throw in a second second inaccurate HIV test for free".   "Just pay separate shipping and handling".

and now there going to do my cell count test.

That should be your CD4 count.

They may also order a "viral load", which is a complete joke.

I did break out in a rash on my arm and have had skin problems latly, but It was winter time when that started,

But I bet the goverment meds are poisen that they give us for money and population control, because all the do is kill you in the end.

If you read through my posts I have also written a number of times on how the drug AZT given to people testing HIV+ is a primary cause of AIDS.



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