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Re: Feeling extremely, severely depressed... Die-off from Candida?

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Anthony87 Views: 46,321
Published: 13 y
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Re: Feeling extremely, severely depressed... Die-off from Candida?

Sorry I'm gonna have to disagree. Coconut oil made me just as sick as SillyLilly. If it's such a cure, then why am I better and she's still sick? If dieters are eliminating avocadoes to get rid of candida, then swallowing oil is a no brainer.

These are 4 people that listening to them allowed me a cure. Fat is just as bad as fructose for candida sufferers.

Why do you think these people are wrong? The only promoters of coconut oil are sick people on this forum.

“How to Beat Candida: Understanding the Real Issue”

by Frederic Patenaude

HERE’S WHAT I SAY: The way to beat candida is simple: you have to understand that candida is an issue that comes from eating too much fat, not too much sugar. When we eat too much fat, that excess fat in the bloodstream diminishes insulin sensitivity, so Sugar isn’t carried out as fast as it should to the cells. It accumulates in the bloodstream, feeding the candida yeast that is naturally present there. The candida then proliferates to “eat up” the excess sugar. The answer isn’t to consume less sugar, or to try to kill the candida — but to go at the root of the problem, that is, to consume less fat.


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