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Feeling extremely, severely depressed... Die-off from Candida?
SillyLily Views: 48,788
Published: 13 y

Feeling extremely, severely depressed... Die-off from Candida?

Since dealing with Candida, I never want to get out of bed in the morning, but this morning I just felt like I wanted to die. I had an overwhelming, powerful sense of depression, guilt, sadness, weakness, anxiety. I just feel like giving up. Every day is a battle, and I'm too young to be feeling this old. I have been housebound for far too long. It's hard for me to tell when I'm making things better or worse because of the die-off. I already feel like I'm dying, so what's the point of holding on? I just don't see a point in fighting for my life, when I don't even have one. I've already lost everything. Health, beauty, friends, boyfriend of 5 years, school, on the verge of losing this house. Most importantly, I've lost myself.

I need to know if this is die-off or if I'm just getting worse. I just don't know what to do anymore.

For only almost a week now I've adapted a new "protocol". I've been taking:

Nystatin 500,000u
Vitamin C 4,000mg throughout
Vitamin E 400iu
Omega 3 1,000mg
Zinc 25mg
CoQ10 100mg
Solgar Herbal Liver
IntestiNew (has L-glutamine and such, for Leaky Gut)

I've been alternating coffee enemas and infrared sauna sessions for a week or two to help detox. But due to my lady monthly I can't do a sauna right now (read you're not supposed to) and due to feeling extremely cold (I think it has to do with my thyroid) after most coffee enemas I don't think I should do that right now neither, at least until I get some thyroid support and/or tests done. I also have a feeling I was starting to detox too quickly (?) and my body couldn't handle it...

I added that to the things I've already been taking:

Virgin Coconut Oil 4-7 tablespoons
Garlic 3 cloves x2-3 a week
Onions every day
Vitamin B
Vitamin D 4,000iu
Milk Thistle 150mg
Evening Primrose Oil

I have been on a strict anti-Candida diet since November of last year but was stupid and wasn't really doing anything in addition to actively kill it.

My new symptoms since starting this new protocol: cold spells (my temperature has dropped down to 95.5 being the lowest), internally burning skin, under eye bags (at first was just circles), unexplained numbness in one knee, vivid dreams

My existing symptoms that have worsened: abdominal pain, Acne (which leave behind pock marks), ANXIETY, DEPRESSION, drowsiness, fatigue, hives and rashes, irritability, skin sensitivity, lack of concentration, mood swings, dizziness, headaches, weight loss

My existing symptoms that have gotten better: bloating, constipation, that's about it

My existing symptoms that have not really changed: belching, bad breath, blurry vision, frequent urination, hair loss and breakage (although it seems like it has worsened since it's on-going and hasn't grown back), itchy ears, muscle aches

So I'm pretty much a good example of severe Candida overgrowth. According to my naturopath I have Candida 3+ out of 4, 4 being the worst. I also have parasites 1 out of 4, but that's expected with my compromised immune system. I have been expelling some with my coffee enemas. Unfortunately due to lack of money and transport I can no longer be guided by this naturopath.

I'm posting this in multiple forums because I need all the help I can get. Please no negativity.

Please somebody help me :'( .....


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