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Re: Surgery for excessive sweating/smelly feet

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Re: Surgery for excessive sweating/smelly feet

1. Have you tried botox or drysol?
2. Do you sweat and smell?

If you’re answer to question one is yes, then you should probably consider having the surgery. The surgery will definitely be effective if sweating is the problem. I smell in addition to sweating, the surgery eliminated the sweat, but the smell is still present. Please research the doctor if you decide to pursue surgery.

Now, I’m in the process of having another doctor perform a new technique called Sub-Dermal Laser Ablation (SDLA) to eliminate the odor (Axillary bosmidrosis). Please research the surgeon; I was reluctant to do research before my first surgery. Even though the first surgeon fixed the sweating, the smell is still present. Also, surgery can be expensive; depending on the problem it ranges from 1,500 to 6,000 dollars. Most surgeons accept insurance for the EDT surgery, but for the new techniques, most surgeons will not accept insurance or the insurance companies are unwilling to pay for surgery, especially United Healthcare. I was told by them that sweating and underarm odor is not a life threatening disease, so there company refused to pay for my surgery to have my sweat glands removed which is a different surgery than EDT.

I used drysol, botox, medications and several other deodorants and nothing worked. I would recommend surgery if you have tried everything with no results.

Drysol deodorant will probably help you, it helps with reducing sweat. You can get a prescription from a doctor or log on to
to purchase it for $16.00. Botox is expensive and it’s temporary, not permanent. I think it’s a waste of money. Paying a dermatologist thousands of dollars a year for temporary results is ridiculous when you can have surgery which is permanent. I had Botox and every six months; I paid over one thousand dollars for the injections.

FYI - Drysol and Botox helped eliminate my sweating, but my problem is the odor if you have odor then the two products probably won’t help you. Sine I’m waiting to have my second surgery, I have been using body mint and eliminating junk food from my diet to keep the odor at bay.

EDT surgery - most people complain about this surgery because of its side effects. It causes compensatory sweating. (Google EDT surgery for under sweating if you are unfamiliar with it.) There’s a new technique for EDT as well, but you’ll need to find a doctor whose education on the procedure. I would not recommend the old procedure for EDT because I have heard horrible stories about that procedure and it side effects.

Check out the two links below for more information on underarm sweating and surgeries. I have heard great thing about Dr. Nielson. He will perform my surgery this summer. His surgery leave menial scaring and the recovery is quicker. I saw him on the news when I was visiting my cousin in San Antonio. I have done extensive research on him and he seems like a great doctor to help correct my underarm odor problem. I hope this helps you and others who are interested in surgery or suffering with underarm sweating and odor. Ten years of sweating and underarm odor is enough for me. Even though the sweat is gone, the odor is my main problem.

The two links are below. Good luck!!



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