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Where is the documentation?
snowman Views: 6,650
Published: 16 y
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Where is the documentation?

 Hello Tony,

I see you are doing good work and helping a lot of people so please don’t take my reply as having any disrespect whatsoever. Also I believe oleander to be an excellent treatment for many conditions.

Is there even the simplest list of patients for this 70% success rate for oleander? I doubt it. I bet that 70% is based on an impression. My Cancell study includes all people who contacted me for Cancell ordering information when my web site required that during the time when I had the only web site about Cancell. It is most significant that I found it impossible to have only two groups of cancer patients. I thought that I could simply have successes and failures. Even a study as simple as mine eventually had eight different groups of out come. So when someone simply says they had a 70% success rate and doesn’t even have four groups of results, I know this is only an impression. They are only guessing at their success rate. We are all forgetful when it comes to our failures.  

Regarding the use of the your oleander forum to determine the success rate, I would like first qualify my answer. I have offered free alternative cancer treatment consultation via email for over ten years. During that time, I have found that people who do not successfully treat their cancer are extremely reluctant to say so. This is especially true of people using alternatives who prefer to remain hopeful up the very end. It is unlikely that even 10% of the failures of oleander were reported back to the forum.  

With all of that said, Tony, I would like to thank you for your impressions and strong opinion of the effectiveness of oleander. I have been trying to decide to include it in my alternative treatment cancer Test Kit for some time. Due to your words, I have decided to do just that. It will take a few months, you can see that I collect the same extensive information for each of the cancer treatments I present and rate them in ten categories on my Comparison table , but it will eventually be included with the following treatments:

714x, Beta Glucan, Cantron, Cesium Chloride, Emulsified Vitamin A, Ellagic Acid, Essiac Tea, Hydrazine Sulfate, Laetrile B-17, Paw Paw, and Protocel.

Paul Winter



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