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Re: Cancer Proof Yourself
Dquixote1217 Views: 6,590
Published: 16 y
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Re: Cancer Proof Yourself

"The best alternative treatments only work on about half of the people who use them correctly"

Doctor H. Z. Ozell has had a success rate of over 70% against cancer using the oleander extract he later patented as Anvirzel for over 40 years in his native Turkey - all the more amazing since he has the same kind of medical restrictions we have in the US and is only able to use it as a CAM medicine along with traditional chemo, radiation and/or surgery or else only after those barbaric methods have been tried and failed.

In South Africa people have been taking the oleander based supplement Sutherlandia OPC for over five years now for a broad range of cancers including late stage ones and well over 90% of them are still alive - in fact, the only ones not still alive are a handful that were either in their final days or those who succumbed to liver failure as a result of prior chemo.

In the Yahoo health group I have hosted for over five years, Oleandersoup, we now have over 1100 members.  Certainly not all of them have cancer, nor do all of them take oleander.  However, in all that time I am only aware of three people who joined the group who are not still alive.  Two were in their final days after being pretty much destroyed by chemo and/or radiation and one only followed the protocol for less than two months before listening to his oncologist who told him it would not help him - after which he proceeded to live over a year past his oncologist's predictions.

You are right, cancell has had some impressive success.  I have taken a pretty good look at it myself, though not nearly as in depth as you surely have.  I was impressed with the results it has compared to a great many other approaches and I have nothing against it other than the fact that it is not compatible with the approach I recommend.  If anyone opts for it they should be advised to follow the protocol exactly for the best chances of success and to not combine it with other items or protocols.




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