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Re: A Great Tip for BadBreath! Clean out those tonsil stones!

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Re: A Great Tip for BadBreath! Clean out those tonsil stones!

Hi, you can add 1/3 or less (hydrogen peroxide 3%) to 2/3 water in your waterpik and get a small flashlight then hit above the tonsils in back of them in front of them..theres a bunch of holes. Get a flashlight and study the area, the hardest part for me is in front of tonsils because theres a flap of skin I cant seem to pull back to see the holes very well, but they are there...I discovered 4 tonsils stones in one side. I have to be careful when hitting those front holes because the water pressure hurts them.

Another method is to just gargle with water/h peroxide and be sure to get it in those areas.

In my mouth I think the smell is coming from these holes. When I massage them saliva comes out and it smells strongly. I think when I had my saliva ducts plugged with gross tonsil stones it was really bad. Smelled sour like stinky feet. But now that I have removed them, there still is an odor coming from them even though I try to daily clean the area.

It smells like stale stagnant saliva, kind of a salty smell, kind of metallic smelling. Kind of reminds me of the smell of pancake batter, or if I had just eaten a cup of cornflakes without milk. If anyone knows what this odor usually means or where its coming from (saliva ducts, or mucus?)let me know.

I cannot shake off this smell. It is a strong heavy odor I can taste and smell everyday when I wake up. I feel its coming directly from this area. It's either heavy bacteria in the holes, or odor from mucus maybe. I feel so close to having normal breath though. I feel if this odor was gone my breath would be normal. Yes the h peroxide helps alot in toning it down, but Im not really sure if I am completely odor free afterwards. I know it comes back slightly after a few hours.

I really have come a long ways in discovering all the bad things that were wrong with my breath. I used to have VERY bb, so bad I offended myself I couldnt believe it lol. I used to have bb from plaque on my teeth because for some reason a regular toothbrush just didnt do it for me, as soon as I switched to a sonicare it improved and when my sonicare broke and I went back to a regular brush the plaque smell came back. I used to eat tons of cheese and milk and I had to figure out that I had postnasal drip smell. On my innercheeks , where my teeth touch my cheeks there is minor scapes. I still have them but not as bad as before. Someone online complained the skin was sloughing off in their mouth when using crest toothpaste that may have been why it was worse before because I did use that kind, now days I use desert tea tree oil toothpaste you can get at wholefoods or colgate is good. But the dead skin cells created a very gross stinky feet smell. Listerine wouldnt remove it at all. Then I discovered the amazing power of h. peroxide thanks to sites like these. After rinsing with soon as I went in my car. I was like hey I dont smell that gross stinky feet smell..yay! Then I noticed ok now theres an odor coming from my throat, and no its not pnd smell. So I removed those stones, it helped some, and now Im at this point..still some kind of smell in that area.

Tonight I bought a medicine dropper at Walmart, really cheap, with a small tip, but I want to find a needless syringe that is narrow , or a longer narrow tip so I can go deep in the big holes (if its even possible I dont know). But this will do for now. Basically I want to fill it with substances that are safe powerful disinfectants and inject it into these holes, and all over the area. I got this idea from some lady online, she used a simple saline solution, and she said about 30 stones came out of one hole since then no bb.

Other ideas I thought of are filling it with apple cider vinegar/water, because I think it does help to kill bacteria. Another solution idea is h. peroxide/water. But I need to be careful and spit it all out since you arent supposed to swallow h peroxide. Garlic..if I can get some juice out of it..maybe use a juicer, grapefruit seed extract- few drops in water, oil of oregano-few drops in water/ beware it irritates skin so dilute. Lemon juice.

Another way is just pouring it in that area, or with a dropper, and gargling with it.

Those are all powerful disinfectants I can think of..maybe Colloidal Silver but I've never tried it nor do I know what it even looks like, maybe goldenseal.

I haven't nettie potted in months, I should do that too to dilute mucus and clean out the nasal passage/throat. Thats all I can think of for now.



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