Erektor Review
After trying everything just to see ED return time and again, I may have found the Final Solution !
Called the Erektor. It is a simple & effective device that is far less expensive than dangerous ED drugs such as Cialis or v1agra. Video showing how easy it is to use:
Excellent doctor reviews:
Details at their website:
Cost $300 is far less than taking v1agra for a year. I ordered it today, and will give a review after using it for a month or so.
An identical product is called the Elator:
In the mean time, I continue my research on natural supplements for ED. I am convinced that there is a natural cure for ED. T2T has also done some excellent research that I am adding to my report here:
This report is being updated frequently, so check it from time to time. If you have any ideas for this report, post them here in this thread.
NEW in my report that looks promising is to boost our levels of Nitric Oxide levels which expands blood vessels & reduces blood pressure. Nitric oxide levels drop 90% as we age and this leads to dysfunction.
12/30/14 - Erektor Review.
I received the ruler for measuring the penis. BAD NEWS. The numbers are embossed & the same color as the rubber ruler - beige. Numbers cannot be seen while measuring the penis girth. The instructional video that shows black letters on the ruler is not correct.
I used a string/knot tightly around the ruler to get the correct size for the girth. Try the knot at G, then at F then E to find the size that does not slip off. More to come when I get my Erektor.
Because the ruler is embossed, makes it easy to use a black pen to mark the numbers, or use a partner to help read the ruler. Report is coming when I get my Erektor
Hi Erektor i went your post . this is very informative thanks for sharing information
Can you give more information of erectile dysfunction , premature ejaculation and penis enlargement
Hi all,
Are there any effective treatments for erectile dysfunction in Ayurveda? I believe Ayurveda is one of the ancient medication systems that originated thousands of years ago. My husband is searching for a good treatment for this problem. We might visit India during our next vacation. So just wanted to know if we can consult an Ayurveda practitioner there. Please let me know your thoughts.
Hi - I know first hand what it is like to struggle with ED. I went through the pains, disappointment, confusions and doubts countless times.
I had my first encounter with erectile dysfunction when I was in my late 20's. It was so frustrating I pretty much lost all my energy in life. But I refused to just accept that I couldn't have a normal and natural sexlife.
To deal with it, I first tried some herbal supplements, but it just didn't work. I then started researching my condition to try to figure out what was wrong with me. I tried lots of different things, but nothing worked.
I then tried pharmaceutical drugs (v1agra, etc.) and it worked really well. But hated taking a pill every time I had sex. And my face got flushed, my vision got messed up and I got a stuffy nose. And after a while, the pills started having less effect. And then they stopped working. My body had built tolerance to them
So I decided to make it my quest in life to find a way to overcome ED naturally and permanently. I experimented with all kinds of lifestyle changes (different diets, different exercise, sleeping more, spoke to doctors, had blood tests and testosterone measured, tried lots of different herbal supplements, etc.). I researched, read, investigated -- I wanted to find out exactly why I - a healthy young male should have to deal with this. And I found the answer in the end.
Believe it or not, it did take me a little more than 10 years to figure all this out. Which is the unfortunate part, because the answer was actually quite simple and simply common sense.
To make a long story short, the solution was to be nice to my body. Without knowing, I was not particularly nice to my own body (and mind). I would not eat what I should, I would not exercise enough, I would overexpose myself to p 0 r n, get bad sleep, etc. As a result, my body was almost always out of balance in one way or another.
And for me, one of the first functions to stop working when my body is out of balance is the ability to get erections / have sex.
Only when I learned to listen to my body and give it what it needs, and also remove from it what it shouldn't have, was my body back in balance. And what happened then was remarkable. I was able to get hard and persistent erections again. I regained my libido. I was again able to have sex!
I know first hand how frustrating it can be to deal with ED (and a low libido), and I think what I have learned could benefit lots of other men.
There are probably many men out there who struggle with ED, but who simply don't know why, and who therefore don't know how to overcome this.
To try to be of help, I have taken all my knowledge and all my major experiences and put it into a website. You are more than welcome to visit and learn from my experiences. The website is free to use for anyone.I dont think I am allowed to include a link with this post, but you find it if you search for Truelibido. Hope my experiences can be of help to some of you,
Erectile Dysfunction occurs due to many reasons some of them are aging, drinking alcohol and surgery etc. but now it can be treated with medications.
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