I think you have your work cut out for you to pick a winner of anything based on numerology.
I don't see how all the factors of a match can be hidden in a number.
What % of wins do each have on the surface of the game in question.
What % of aces do each serve in a match?
How is each feeling physically & emotionally on that day?
Is either playing on their home court?
And on and on and on.
May I ask why you want to pick a winner of a match?
I try to pick winners daily in team sports, so I have an idea what's entailed.
I do not bet. I just want to do that because I like to predict future events.
That's good, but like I said it takes more information than a number.
"The more you know, the more you win" is an old gambling adage. Although it works for about anything.
Some time ago I came across a book of Biorythyms. There was a person that said he used it for sports betting, and quoted some ridiculous win percentage. I knew better, but checked it out.
According to birthdates it looked at physical, emotion, and intelectual patterns. It's a calculator that you put in B-dates according to groups and then get the forecast. So I loaded all my MLB pitchers and tested it. If you were on the fence regarding two opposing pitchers it might break a tie for a decision, but I couldn't see much advantage with predicting wins.
This might improve your accuracy At least it might tell you if you're compatible with the person you've been married to for years. LOL
If you have any of these windows Os's, [Vista/XP/2000/98 ] the link I gave you has a down load that is much better than the one you posted.
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