I have just started Dr Schulze's 30 day detox programme today, I will be juice fasting throughoutout the 30 days, now I am doing the 5 day colon cleanse, I would like to know when I should do the enemas and how often. I am thinking of doing the enemas after I have done the 5 day bowel detox, 2 days before i start the 5 day liver detox.
Parasite Cleanse Very Successful!!! (See pictures)
**My Story**: Feeling worse and worse last few years. No energy and wanting to sleep all day. Dr. said I had Adrenal Fatigue and started me on DHEA, Pregnenolone, Adrenal Cortex. Thyroid tested fine but I suspect otherwise. Deficient in Calcium, Potassium, Vitamin D, Iron, Magnesium so suplemented. I added Dr. Teitlebaum's Energy Revitalization, Ribose, CoQ10, Acetyl-L Carnitine, probiotics on my own. Feeling better but not great. Decided to try a cleanse or two. Not really expecting much results.
Was I ever wrong!!!
Started Intestinal #1 Bowel Cleanse (Dr. Schulze) 13 days ago to start them moving freely. After a few days of these pills I had 2-3 bowel movements per day so started using the Intestinal #2 (Dr. Schulze) cleanse instead. This is a black powder containing charcoal, bentonite clay, psyllium, etc. that you drink several times a day. Started seeing many eggs, egg sacks and small worms but did not inspect toilet closely.
Six days ago I started Clark's Humaworm pills twice a day. Side effects were heartburn, scary heart palpitations that lasted less than half hour, blotchy skin and worn-looking face, black eye circles, headaches. Stools are loose feeling but not as urgent as diarrhea. It was a very elaborate process alternating food, medication and powder every hour of day, as they should not be taken together.
Beginning first day after starting Humaworm I have flushed out at least a cup full of parasites every day. Many types like long, thin worms, critters that look like garbanzo beans, kidney beans, twigs, red moth triangles, rolled tomato skins, yeast, impacted marble-like poop, things as long as 3 inches with tentacles, etc.
Stools had very strong odor. Did not take pictures first few days but decided on 6th day to start documenting it because no one would believe it!
Also, had small worms of mostly quarter inch coming from mucus in my throat. Took some Musinex today and that is bringing them up in larger numbers. One out of my nose and neverending white stuff forming on my tongue (yeast?). Had to brush it several times a day. Tasted like a sewer.
Had to continuosly change and wash clothes, sheets, blankets and bathroom. If you do a cleanse like this, everyone in your house and all pets should do it as well because stuff gets passed around.
So, here are the pics from day 6 of Humaworm. As of 3PM, have had 3 bowel movements today and each pic is from a separate one. There is no poo or undigested food in pics. I ate light, soft food, fruits with no skins or seeds, no nuts so I would be able to tell what was truly parasites. And I rinsed all bugs several times.
So, I hope that this helps someone else. Wish I had known this years ago. Bending over the toilet and rinsing poo for an hour and a half today was not fun! DO YOURSELF A FAVOR AND DO A PARASITE CLEANSE.
You might try Dr. Schulze's #1 Intestinal Cleanse and maybe #2 after that. That may help your constipation and get you started with softer stools more times per day. It helped me. Or maybe Espson salt baths And eat lighter foods when you do it. Good luck.
Do I feel better? Well, many days before the cleanse I felt lethargic and generally yucky. I still don't feel great but that can be expected as big changes are going on inside my body. In a few weeks I should feel like a new person!
Hello there. My first time on a form like this and I see the original message was done 5 years ago but I have most everything you talked about and more. I have been dealing with this for about 8 months and am on my 3rd round of skin parasites that we believe are CONDIADI based which are now on both form arms coming out of my mouth, nose, ears, skin and my butt. I have many pictures from start to now and have kept samples that I thought the doctors would use. My pain managment doctor found some of the bugs coming out of my left form arm on the first round and this was before we knew what they were. They adsked to see pictures and I showed them and thats when they said I have a parasite infection and called the RABBIT DESEASE and set me up with a specialist on this parasites. I had to wait 6 weeks to get to see him and by that time the first round was almost done but I still had sores that had plenty of bug stuff in them and gave him samples and pictures of what I had but he decided to take a sample on an area that had no signs of parasite infection.This where everything went wrong with him and the medical community in genral. He told me none of the pics showed any signs of bugs or parasitesand neither did any of samples and his sample showed that I might have a fungal infection and maybe some staff infection and that I was SEEING THINGS that were not there and he also called me a cutter and recomended I see a shrink.After that I saw an ER DR, a Dermatologist and my regular who put me on an antisycotic drug so now I am on my 3rd round of skin parasites on both arms and now have them coming outof mouth,nose and poop with in the past week I have dropped some really big condida like things about 8 inches longeach and smaller ones to. Now all I have is very hard rock poops with all kinds of things in them but have to use enimmas to get them out.We are at a lose on what to do as we cant go to any medical practinier in our area so we have been using the internet and your site for information and pictures. This is what I am taking now. chewing raw garlic, taking garlic capsuls, Candida Cleanse, Berberine Plus, Neem, hydrogen peroxide and some othere over the counter stuff but after having this for 8 months and having a compromised immune sytstem from 8 back related surguries and being 100% disabled and having to cover everything up with wraps so my grandkids dont get this. HELP HELP HELP 2020-03-02i WILLPOST PICS ON NEXT MESSAGE.
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