Hi Guys, I am in need of some SERIOUS reassurance. I had a Jaydess (baby Mirena) for 7 months. Five months in I started to develop symptoms like head pressure, severe headache, skin crawling, tinnitus, fatigue and weakness, foggy thinking, calf pain, blurred vision, breathing problems, muscle jerks and "surges" in my head and chest. It took two months to get it taken out because noone believed me.
Now, I am two months post removal. I was getting better and better (no longer get jerked from my sleep) but in the last two weeks it has gotten worse and I'm starting to feel really down and frightened! I'm reading about people still having effects years down the line and I am only 26 and my life has totally stopped. I would love to hear stories of people who are further on in this process than me. I can't imagine this being my life. If you have any tips or ideas for supplements, I'm all ears!