Blog: Ya’ think??
by kerminator

Hate crimes??

Hate crimes are a farce because who perpetrates a crime against someone they like or love?? Therefore all crime is some sort of "Hate Crime"...

Date:   7/1/2007 7:43:26 PM   ( 18 y ) ... viewed 3763 times

Some of the things certain people want...  They want their way or no way...

One of these groups that has been very active the past few years is The So called Rainbow Colition...   Or what ever term they wish to go by...  

The important fact is the truth, of words, opinion, and  actions...   If you are an honest seeker of the truth; you will find that the Homosexual / GAY life style is invalid ( which means that the premises do not support the conclusion or it is false!!)!!  Simply because: if it were the norm; then there would not any children, or you, or me, or other human life; so this argument tends to be a mute question... DUH!!     How hard it that folks??  Rather simple; I believe any six year old could figure that out!!  A man to man or woman to woman does not produce any children...  HUH!!

Now that is the truth like it or not!!  Lets look at it once more -  If people a man and a woman; did not marry and have children then there would not be anyone to discuss the problem...   Well you can make the argument that they did not have to marry; so much for a synmatics...  It still comes down to the fact that with out the procreation act of sexua| Intercourse; between a man and woman,  there would not be any people!!  DUH!!

Now they want to have any view or dissension against them made to be a so called " hate Crime"!! So when we see all these attempts to make more laws....  Like we do not already have too many laws, more than are understood, enforced, practical, or ever needed!!   Why should we have any type of so called " Hate Crime"  laws??    As an Ole guy once told me;   " It is not the law that makes a person behave in a proper manner; it is what's in their heart and mind... There have been laws against shop lifting, robbing banks, rape, and murder; but it still goes on: because laws do not stop people.."     So what is the reason for this new brand of crime??  

It is actually a convoluted way to get an agenda across to stymie and actually make others who do not accept or believe a certain way of life;  become "Hated or Criminalized"...  It is a win / win situation,  where they get the opposition off  their backs while making the  opposition the ones who are despised and their actions   a " Hate Crime.."   Very cleaver...  HUH!!   Much like Nero??  Burn Rome and blame it on the Christians...   Read your history if you do not know about Nero!!  Or reply and I will enlighten you... 

SO believe it or not some of these people want to make any opposition to their views a "Hate Crime"...   Yes, it a turning of the tables, to legitimize and justify their views...  Sorry that it has to come to this but I did not make this up or want it to happen; I just act as a Truth Barometer... The messenger!!    

 See Ya,  Kermit

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