Blog: Ya’ think??
by kerminator

Back on track with even more truth...

Many people say that they want to know the truth until they hear it... Sorry that the truth hurts but that is the way it is in the real world...

Date:   11/8/2006 6:58:05 PM   ( 19 y ) ... viewed 3045 times

Well here we are again looking at some truth in the world...

I have been busy, like so many of us....  But it really disturbs me that so many people are so narrow minded; as to believe all the political crap put out on the mass media today...   Most of it is just pure "who cares stuff " but there are always some who must have their thoughts and actions directed by others... 

 Not me Babe!!

If you would like to see some of what is really going on in the Middle East; and have an inquisitive mind like me....  Then go to some sites like:  also Iraqi Bloggers Central @  There a list of links which include  plus many more sites with the up to date truth... HUH!! 

Iraqi tales from the blogs
The postings of Iraqi bloggers give an insight into areas of life in the country that journalists struggle to cover because of the extreme violence.

Zeyad is a 27 year old Iraqi dentist from Baghdad. He started writing his blog Healing Iraq in October 2003. He is now studying journalism in New York, but he is still in touch with many bloggers inside his country.

Here, we offer some of Zeyad's latest postings and a selection of some of the other blogs he follows.

This story contains links to external websites which are not subject to the usual BBC editorial controls. Sunday, October 22, 2006: My brother, Nabil, witnesses another terrible murder, this time of a hairdresser. She was dragged out of her taxi by four gunmen, a sack was put on her head and then they opened fire.

Her corpse was left on the street for over three hours because no-one dared to go near it. The worst was when Iraqi troops arrived at night to pick up the corpse.

They had to shoot it several times to ensure it wasn't booby-trapped with explosives, something that is becoming more and more common in our area of Baghdad.

Monday, October 16, 2006:
Another close friend of mine has been killed in Baghdad. We had lunch together in Baghdad just days before I left.

I can't concentrate on anything any more. I should not be here in New York running around a stupid neighbourhood, asking people about their "issues".

I now officially regret supporting this war back in 2003. The guilt is too much for me to handle. Another Iraqi blogger writing from the United States is Treasure of Baghdad .

Treasure has asked a number of bloggers inside Iraq for their views on the war.

Read what the bloggers had to say in Their Own Words . Zayed's brother, Nabil , is in Baghdad and is also a regular blogger. He describes the routine corruption he saw among border guards as he returned to Iraq from Jordan.

Sunday Oct 8 2006: The road to Baghdad is one of the most dangerous roads in the world.

I left Amman at 2 am, reached the Jordanian border at 6 pm. Completed my passport visa and then headed to the Iraqi Border. As always there was no electricity.

At the Iraqi gate my driver gave the guard who checks our passports about 2,000 Iraqi Dinar (US$1.4) just to let us pass without checking (and that's what happened with all the people coming to Iraq), then we entered Iraq.

The driver told me to prepare 7000 Iraqi Dinar (US$4.8) for the guard who checks our luggage, so that he won't check it.

When I went to do my passport, I gave my passport and my family's passports to the officer, he told me to give him 5000 ID (US$3.4).

I gave him the money and then he gave me the passports all done.

Then I just looked up at the window of the officer and I saw a sign saying the passports should be done for free - and if the officer asks for money call on this number to register a complaint.

The order is written just two or three feet above his head and he does not carry it out.

I wonder about our government when it pretends it doesn't know how the terrorists enter Iraq. Well, the answer is simply check out your guards; they are all taking bribes. A recent report in the medical journal, The Lancet, about the casualty figures in Iraq resulted in a storm of blogging from inside Iraq.

The Lancet study estimated that about 655,000 civilians had died in Iraq since the invasion in 2003.

One entry from Baghdad blogger Iraq the Model caused upset by disputing the authors' claims:

Thursday Oct 12, 2006: To me their motives are clear, all they want is to prove that our struggle for freedom was the wrong thing to do. And they shamelessly use lies to do this ... when they did not find the death they wanted to see on the ground, they faked it on paper! Other bloggers thought the study's findings were valid.

One of them Iraqi Konfused Kid responds in the third person, adding a round-up of other bloggers' reactions.

Wednesday October 18: Kid accused Iraq The Model of being "an example of the mentality that currently prevails the Green Zone, nervous Iraqis who just want to make a few bucks by catering to an audience and telling them what they want to hear"

Konfused Kid sent a mass e-mail to a sizeable group of Iraqi bloggers, demanding that they give their opinions about the general viewpoint and direction of Iraq The Model.

Miraj : "he wants to follow other Iraqi bloggers to US and what is better than sucking up to the Americans."

Iraqi Screen : "I am sure they are dying for asylum in the USA to be close to their dear Bush. Did they ever read about Haditha massacre, Ishaqi and Falluja?"

Khalid Jarrar : "being a traitor is not an allowed option, and should not be legitimized by ranting about freedom of speech, I swear reading them is just like reading a White House statement."

Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2006/10/31 14:33:59 GMT


 And you can get a view of what it is really like in the Islamic world... Not just the stuff on the evening news or should I say mis information...  Read It and maybe, just maybe you will understand why if we just cut and run in Iraq that they will be right behind us...  

Do you really believe that most of these people want a democratic government in Iraq??   Let me know what you think after some reading and thoughts from some blogs from those who live it ... Catch me @

Think it may save your life....  Kermit  

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Comments (25 of 127):
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