Blog: Ya’ think??
by kerminator

Do you ever really think anything out; except what is for supper?

Most people do not really think... DUH! As it requires too much effort...

Date:   8/21/2006 2:08:27 PM   ( 19 y ) ... viewed 2770 times

This will be an exercise in really learning to think...  What a concept!!  Do you really want to do it??  Lets get started...   I have outlined a short quiz every which will allow you to use your mind and build a better brain...  HUH!!

So just follow this exercise; step back and see if you can become a thinker!!

1) Stop and write out your goals and dreams in life...  Make a list, be realistic and honest... It is your life so do not try to impress me ( or anyone else); because I will not live it ; you will... HUH!!

2) Now many of you have not gotten to make a list or maybe just do not care...   Oh well here is the next step in your progression...  Narrow down your list to your most important wants and wishes...  What ever...  Include things you feel that you can not live without!!  Keep the list short...

3) Now; that you have all these things that you feel that you can not do with out... Look down the list and eliminate at least half of them...  This will get you into what are really the most important items... HUH!!   And you thought you needed all that stuff??  Life can be simple when you figure that most things in life are really not necessary!!  DUH!!

4) Now that you have come to the real purpose on your life lets look at this short list; if you have over ten items cut it down until you have about five or six max...  Dream and scheme on this list and we will be back for further instructions about getting your life in proper order!! Adjustments here may be necessary!! HUH!!

5) It is hard to 100% right; but unless you start to get your life in order there will never be any satisfaction!! Looking at the narrowed down list; start to see if any of it will help you meet your goals in life...  You may well need to stop and analyze your current position and what is needed to meet your goals...  Think on this for your  next step....  You should have made some changes in the important things in your life list by now!!  This is what is called getting right with yourself!! 

[ Don't try to impress me or anyone else, just do some soul searching and pull out your deepest fears, wants, desires, and wildest dreams...  ]

6) Now that you have had time to step back and look at your life expectations; there should be some glaring realities, or things that just jump out at you!!  If you have been honest and followed the outline so far you should have a plan or direction for your life from here on...  Now if you follow the key items and apparent things on your list you should have an opportunity to improve your life and those around you...

That is what this has all been about friend; learning to develop a better and improved life...   It takes just about (30) thirty days to change habits and gain new improved habits!!  Of course you want to change the negative (bad) habits, and start the new positive habits!!  { You have to do it!!}  Do you see what I mean??

If you are confused or need more help email or reply and we will try to get you on the right positive track to a better life...  HUH!! 

We will revisit this subject later and update it from time to time...

See Ya.. Kermit

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