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by kerminator

A driving test...

Driving is getting to be a drangerious & profitable business; for some...

Date:   6/5/2006 5:06:57 AM   ( 19 y ) ... viewed 13607 times

A couple of interesting articles from MSN; 05 June 2006... Check them out!!

The Basics
America's worst drivers live in ...
Nearly 10% of America's drivers couldn't pass a DMV licensing test if they had to take it today. Could you? Plus: See how your state fared.

 By MSN Money staff

At least one of every five drivers doesn't know when to use bright lights, how to follow directional arrows or when highways are the most slippery, results from a national driver's test show.

GMAC Insurance administered a 20-question test -- similar to a traditional licensing test at the local DMV – to 5,288 drivers and released the results last week. Of those tested, nearly 10% were unable to answer enough questions correctly to achieve a passing score of 70.

If the test results are any guide, America's pedestrians are in deep, deep trouble.
  • 20% of drivers do not know that a pedestrian has the right of way at a marked or unmarked crosswalk.
  • 1 in 3 drivers don’t usually stop for pedestrians – even if they’re in a crosswalk or at a yellow light.
  • One-third admit they speed up to make a yellow light even when pedestrians are in the crosswalk.
More frightening? Drivers in the heavily urbanized Northeast scored the worst..

Related news and commentary on MSN Money
Related resources image
Take the GMAC Insurance drivers test online
Insurers charge the less-educated more
How risky is your ride?
MSN Autos: Tracking teens' driving habits
Consumer Reports' guide to safety features

Oregon tops; Rhode Island worst
The lowest average score came out of Rhode Island, whose drivers in the sample averaged a 75.1; more than a quarter of Rhode Island drivers in the sample failed the test. The District of Columbia, New Jersey, Massachusetts and New York posted average scores almost as low, and failure rates in the region averaged 16%.

Drivers in Oregon, on the other hand, averaged a score of 90.6, and the Northwest overall had the most knowledgeable drivers, with failure rates below 7%.

Drivers older than 35 were not only more likely to pass, they were less likely to treat their time behind the wheel as "down time." Younger drivers, though, reported doing everything from applying makeup to fiddling with iPods at much higher rates. About 1 in 4 had sent text messages from a cell phone; 8% had changed clothes while driving.

"The rules of the road should not be something you learn once when you are 16 years old," says Gary Kusumi, CEO and president, GMAC Insurance-Personal Lines. "We want to remind everyone that they need to work on their driving skills every day."

 How did your state score?
Rank State Score Rank State Score
1 Oregon 90.6 27 Arkansas 83.8
2 Washington 88.2 28 Virginia 83.5
3 Vermont 87.5 29 Arizona 83.4
4 Idaho 87.3 30 Georgia 83.2
4 South Dakota 87.3 30 Louisiana 83.2
6 Montana 87.2 32 North Carolina 83.1
7 Nebraska 87 32 Maine 83.1
8 Kansas 86.8 34 Ohio 83
9 Iowa 86.7 35 Oklahoma 82.9
10 Wyoming 86.2 36 Alabama 82.8
11 Wisconsin 86.1 37 Missouri 82.7
12 Minnesota 86 37 Delaware 82.7
13 Alaska 85.8 39 Nevada 82.6
14 California 85.6 40 South Carolina 82.3
15 Indiana 85.2 40 Florida 82.3
15 Colorado 85.2 42 Pennsylvania 82.1
17 Michigan 85.1 43 New Mexico 81.5
18 North Dakota 85 44 Connecticut 80.9
19 West Virginia 84.8 45 Hawaii 80.7
20 Utah 84.5 46 Maryland 79.5
21 Mississippi 84.4 47 New York 79.4
22 Illinois 84.3 48 New Jersey 78.6
23 Tennessee 84.2 48 Massachusetts 78.6
24 Texas 84 50 District of Columbia 76.5
24 Kentucky 84 51 Rhode Island 75.1
26 New Hampshire 83.9
Source: GMAC Insurance



The Basics
You may be a bad driver and not know it
A clean driving record means nothing if you consistently court danger with habits you might not even consider risky.

 By Christopher Solomon

According to surveys by auto insurers, virtually everybody thinks they’re above-average behind the wheel. Call it the Lake Wobegon effect.

Sure, you buckle up, don’t apply mascara in traffic or watch X-rated movies on the in-car DVD player (like the Albany, N.Y., driver who was cited in 2004). But it takes a lot more to be a good driver. After all, somebody is causing all those accidents.

Maybe it's you. Ever gone digging for a CD? Hassled a slower driver out of the fast lane? Kept another car from merging or changing lanes? Does your driving change once you spot a cop?

Perhaps we're not all as above average as we think. Take this short quiz to see how you fare.
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MSN Money Insurance

Question: Which would the good driver use: a hand-held cell phone or a hands-free setup?

Neither. A 2003 study by Great Britain’s Transport Research Laboratory found that talking on either device creates a driver about as attentive as one who's at the legal limit of alcohol consumption, said Eddie Wren, a former traffic patrol officer and advanced driving instructor in the United Kingdom and now executive director of New York-based Drive and Stay Alive.

Cell phones are just part of the much larger problem of driver inattention, which contributes to at least 25% of police-reported crashes in the United States, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Trying to catch a dropped french fry or arguing with a spouse distracts, if only for a moment.

Solution: “The secret of good driving,” says Wren, “is four boring words, because no one wants to do it: self-discipline and concentration.” In other words, hold all calls -- and that lovers’ spat -- until you get home.

Question: When driving in fast-moving traffic, where should you focus your eyes?
a. On the preceding car’s bumper
b. 150 feet ahead
c. 300 feet ahead
d. None of the above

Answer: d. One of the biggest mistakes drivers make is that they don’t use their eyes correctly and don’t take in the entire scene, says Jim Smith, vice president of training for Arlington, Texas,-based Smith System Driver Improvement Institute, which trains the fleet drivers of large corporations.

Solution: Experts suggest several strategies.
  • Aim higher. People naturally look only about 100 feet ahead of themselves, says Smith. “We teach people to aim higher,” he explains. “When you aim low, you can’t see high -- but when you aim high you can see low.” (Try it right now.) Especially when traveling at high speeds, drivers should raise their gaze to see what’s happening a few hundred yards down the road, or farther, say experts. At 60 mph, that spot will be here before you know it.

  • Look through things. At the Bob Bondurant School of High-Performance Driving in Phoenix, instructors teach clients to look through the back window of the vehicle in front of them, says Tim Maddux, an instructor and former race-car driver. “Don’t drive behind a car you can’t see through or can’t see around.” At Danny McKeever’s Fast Lane Racing School in Southern California, which teaches a “highway survival” course for both teens and adults, instructors teach students to look as far around corners as possible. “You can’t react to something you can’t see,” says Allison Altzman, a former instructor who is now vice president of business development.

  • Keep those peepers moving. At Smith System, the company also teaches drivers to keep their eyes moving. The average human’s “central vision” -- what’s in focus when you look at, say, that picture on the wall -- spans just 3 degrees, while most humans’ peripheral vision is about 180 degrees, says Smith. To truly see everything that’s happening around you, constantly shift your eyes slightly instead of simply staring forward.

  • Check those mirrors. “We teach people to check their mirrors every five to eight seconds -- and to check their mirrors every time they brake,” says Smith.
Question: You’re driving 45 mph in rush-hour traffic. How many car lengths should you leave between you and the car ahead, in traffic?
More information on driving and car safety
  • National Highway Transportation and Safety Administration


  • Highway safety books by Phil Berardelli

  • Insurance Institute for Highway Safety

  • Answer:
    None. OK, this is a bit of a trick question. Not leaving a large enough cushion is a major factor in auto crashes. When it comes to so-called following distances, “People used to talk about so many car lengths for so many miles per hour,” says Wren. “Well, it’s rubbish.” Why? Because it’s too hard to figure distances when driving.

    Solution: Use the simpler “two second, four second, 10 second” rule for dry roads, wet roads and icy, snowy or muddy roads, Wren advises. As the car ahead passes something that’s not moving (a lamp post, a road sign), count slowly how long it takes you to reach that same spot. If it’s rainy out and you reach that spot before you count “four-Mississippi,” back off. Four seconds sound like too much? Wren has no sympathy. “You’ve got to ask yourself, do I want to be impatient, or do I want to be alive?”

    True or false: You’ve now made a nice following distance between you and the Mack truck ahead. You’re set, right?

    False. A buffer isn’t a cure-all. Driving instructors say that few Joe Four-Strokes out on the road think about how they’ll get out of a bad situation when it strikes. And even the driver who leaves room ahead can get hit from behind when a pileup occurs.

    Solution: Always have an escape route, a backup plan for when things go south. Yours could be as simple as pulling onto the adjacent road shoulder, or knowing that there’s no car in the next lane, if you need to swerve. Don’t let yourself stay boxed in among other automobiles or get trapped in the blind spot of an 18-wheeler.

    Don’t have an escape route? Move until you’ve got one. While experts don’t advocate speeding, they acknowledge that sometimes, staying safe means pressing on the gas briefly, to get out of potentially bad spots. And since the road is always changing, you constantly need to update your escape route.

    The same general strategy applies to other unexpected situations, says instructor Maddux. “When someone gets in a slide, or they get in a bad situation, they look at what they don’t want to hit.” Bad move, he says. Where your eyes go, “your body will follow.” Instead, he says, look at your escape route.

    Question: Where on the steering wheel should your hands be when you’re driving?

    Not at “4 o’clock and 8 o’clock.” The rationale behind “4-and-8” that many driver's-education classes advocate is that it keeps a driver’s hands out of the way of the steering column’s airbag, preventing injuries to hands and arms, and to the face. “That’s stupid,” says Wren. With hands low and elbows on their thighs, he says, drivers have little ability to control the car.

    Solution: Better to raise your chances of avoiding an incident altogether by having your hands in the tried-and-true “10-and-2” positioning, says Wren. Or, experts suggest dropping the hands slightly, to a “9-and-3” position, to keep them out of an airbag’s path.

    You’re also probably turning wrong. In this age of airbag-equipped cars, experts no longer recommend the hand-over-hand method of turning the steering wheel. Instead, use the “shuffle” method, which feeds the wheel through your hands and keeps them from crossing in front of the airbag.

    Question: You’re on a mountain road and begin to skid on a patch of ice, with a drop on one side and an oncoming truck on the other. What action should you take?
    a. Pop the car into neutral
    b. Pump the brakes
    c. Keep a close eye on the danger ahead
    d. All of the above
    e. None of the above

    Answer: e. Here’s why: While some people believe it’s best to put a car in neutral in the event of a slide, taking away any power from the wheels, Wren says you’re better off never taking your hands off the wheel. If you’re in a manual-transmission car, of course, you can simply depress the clutch.

    In modern cars equipped with anti-lock brakes, pumping the pedal is the worst thing you can do, says Maddux. ABS already "pumps" the brakes thousands of times per second; adding your own efforts only reduces its effectiveness by reducing the amount of time the brakes are applied. For maximum stopping power, apply the brake until the threshold when the ABS system almost kicks in, says Maddux. It's a learned skill; practice it in an empty parking lot.

    Lastly, like a skier in the trees, a driver should look toward where he wants to go, not at the obstacle in his path.

    They're not just statistics
    Get all those right? Great.

    If you didn't, consider some changes, not just for safety's sake, but for your wallet's, too. It's not just about higher insurance premiums and body-shop bills. Increasingly stringent laws around the country are cracking down on persistently careless or aggressive driving.

    New Jersey has raised about $300 million in the last two years by fining drivers who get three speeding tickets or other tickets in a three-year period. Virginia is considering similar legislation. And under more stringent legislation passed last year in Michigan, drivers who repeatedly break traffic laws could have to undergo therapy as well as pay fines and take driving classes to keep their licenses.

    For other tests that gauge different aspects of your driving, visit Drive for Life, The Driving Challenge Quiz and the AARP.

    May this will help...   See Ya.. Kermit


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