Blog: Ya’ think??
by kerminator

Life is not about you, friend!! DUH!!

If Life was just about you, it would be a short boring story, indeed... DUH!! So start looking at what you can do to make a difference in some Else's life.... Double DUH!!

Date:   1/31/2006 2:42:40 PM   ( 19 y ) ... viewed 3720 times

Why do we spend so much time in our lolly gaging?? {Wasting time}

If we were able to look over our life, from beginning to end; we would see that most of what we worry and fret about is of no real consiquense... DUH!!

 It will not make any difference:

1) Who won the Super bowl,  World Series, or the Gold Medals @ the Olympics..

2) Who won the Oscars, or were voted best actor/ actress..

3) Who had the largest house, or most cloths, or most expensive car...

4) Who knew who at the Golf Club, or came to your party...

5) Who you impressed, or out dressed...

6) Who your uncle or mother was kin to...

7) Who you bought your jewelry from...

8) Who ever you had interaction with unless;  you had helped or assisted them in some way in this life... Point and counter point, friend!!   

So the real question is why do we??   It would be better; once our immediate maintenance needs are taken care of in our day to day lives, to get down to helping others and thus form the greatest bonds of this life....  Life is not just how we live, but about how we treat others we find on our pathway....  DUH!!

Let's try to become more aware of what is really happening, around us...  Moment to moment and day to day...  Unfortunately many people do not really even try to become more involved with those around them... 

BTW: It is not really about what you get our of life, but what you put into life... You are not the focal point of life; rather the point where by others have been served..  

So the real story of your (our) life is about what we do for others....  Period!! 

   Last but not least, is how will you give an account for yourself??

Here are some things that GOD will not ask you about your life,  on judgment day;  these include but are not limited to:

What kind of job or house, or car, or cloths, or things you had....  No!! DUH!! 

 He will ask:

1) Who did you share or help with the money you made??

2)  Who did you invite in out of the cold and rain??

3) Who did you transport or help to places they needed to go??

4) Who did you help to cloth, from the dampness and cold??

5) Who did you support or aid with the things you were given in this life??

Of course He will already know the answers on the final day of your life, it is you who will have answered these questions....    

It is you;  who will have answered them by; what you did or did not do.... DUH!! 

This is the true theme of life... HUH!! If you do not think so let us hear from you!

See Ya... Kermit 

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