Blog: Ya’ think??
by kerminator

In the course of history we have only one chance to do it... DUH!!

Now is the real time of your life, and if you get the chance; dance!! Don't let others control your life, live it, because it is the only one you have got!!

Date:   10/26/2005 1:45:06 PM   ( 20 y ) ... viewed 1928 times

What are we in relationship to the real world??  DUH!!  A living person; a being...

 We are right where we are suppose to be;  living our Dynamic Pathway of Life...  DUH!!  Many people expect some advertised condition for their life.. But Noooo!

Why do we find this life is so difficult and hard??  Because we have been looking at it  from the wrong prespective...  DUH!!  Correct your thought patterns and see the truth... You must accept the truth, or live a lie.....

I think much of it is because we have been conditioned to over look the real parts of life... As citizens of a country, as children of a family, as members of a race, as participants in some religious order, as groups in some political process; we have been directed to see things in certain ways....  Not always the best or the pathways of truth... The truth has always been right before us and we saw it not....  Life should be lived by following true principles, and the true course of our hearts... 

Why is it that life being so dynamic and fluid is expected to follow a rigid set of man's rules??   This is where we get off track...  For the most part; throw the rules out the window so to speak...  Learn to live your life by the seat of your pants... It is the people who live their life day to day that have the best control and joy in their lives...  So it can be in your life, friend....   Don't let others steal your joy....

You must start to see life as it is and not as someone wants it to be...  Dreams lead to the future and those who pursue them are the builders of tomorrow....  Though tomorrow never comes, we must plan and build as if it is just over the horizan...  The real life is the breath you just breathed and the beat of your heart...  You must fashion your mind and thoughts so that your live goes forward...  This is life!! DUH!!

This is true for every man, woman, and child.... Life is dynamic and has to be lived one day at a time...  Ready or not  the window of your life is open here and  now...  So live it!!  DUH!!

See ya in the rest of your life.... DUH!!    .... K  


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