Blog: Ya’ think??
by kerminator

Well it happened just this way..... DUH!!

What ever can happen, will happen and usually does.... DUH!!

Date:   12/28/2005 7:34:55 AM   ( 20 y ) ... viewed 2894 times

Had gone up to north GA Mts, to visit, my brother, and see some sights...  

On the way, we decided to catch supper, {for you Yankees and others that is the evening meal} at a National known resturant....  No it was not Mickey Dees...

Well the waitress we had was to say the least, playing with a few cards short of a full deck, or she should really think about getting a different job....  But this is not an assault on the poor gal...  We all have bad days, and this was one she should have called in sick....

Rather it is about ; one of my favorite saying....  What ever can happen, will happen and usually does..... DUH!!   While waiting, {waiting is a key word here} for the check....  Finally she came over to get it for us, and the pay station was just by our table, like four feet away...   So being the nice guy that I am, I get up and hand her my debit card so she can ring it up....  Well having shown me the total amount, then taking my card and turning to process it....  The nearly impossible happened...

{I say that because first of all it happened, though you could not have gotten me to believed it was possible, just moments before... I should be used to it by now, since my life has been filled with such events....}  As she turned around, about 90 degrees, some how....   The card slipped, out of the settle up check holder, and flew through the air, landing who knows where....  Not to be seen....

The ring up billing station was on a corner so there were booths on either side...  After looking under the billing terminal, taking the card processor and several other items....  It was not to be seen...  Not on the floor, or the ledge or seats of the booths...  The poor people in both booths, had to get up, the manager got a flash light, and we actually lifted and removed booth sets of seats....  But still no sign of the debit card.... 

This had gone on for over half an hour; I was resolved at this point of paying by other means, and then having the bank cancel the debit card....  But alas, just as we were about to leave....  The gal, she was nice looking BTW; drops a menu, and bending to retrieve it, notes that the card had actually fell down in front of the billing station, and became lodged, in the molding just above the floor tiles....   Very odd indeed...   I would never have bet that it could have happened, but it did...  DUH!!  

Expect the unexpected, and you will never be disapointed....   Just another DUH!! day.....  see ya  K 

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