Blog: Ya’ think??
by kerminator

Pessimism is the down side of life; opposite of all that is....

Life was never suppose to be perfect; ever since Adam & Eve got kicked out of the Garden.... BTW Some of the Native Americans, purposely put an imperfection into everything they make, because man does nothing perfect.... The key is to be optimistic and do something, anything!!

Date:   3/4/2006 9:00:02 PM   ( 19 y ) ... viewed 3147 times

If you are going a person who wants to be pessimistic, you may well change your mind after you read this message.... HUH!!

Pessimism Never:

Finished anything, or had a wedding, or had children, or allowed someone into their heart, or won a friend, or built a house, or sewed a dress, or helped someone in need, or overcame an obstacle, or won a heart, or went on to be a helper and good friend.... 

We could make this list almost for ever, but you get the message...  So start looking to be a doer,  and not just stand around waiting for something to happen...  Fretting never did a thing, so get over it....  Do something, even if it is not perfect.... Life was never intended to be perfect..... So live it...

Some how this false idea; that we were all promised to live happily ever after... is from the Fairy Tales....  Who say that any way??  So you see that many false ideas have crept into our social order...  Things like "Santa Clause", not the historical person who went around doing good, but this current commercial idea, which: BTW came from the poem; written during the War between the States.... Part of which goes... " Out on the lawn there arose such a clatter, that I jumped from bed to see what was the matter.... etc " 

 Hog wash, not that I mind that poem or any poem or story, for that matter... It is just that people should not fill their wee brains with such slop....  There is enough real things, for us to be concerned with in this life...  Our job is to be optimistic and live life large, day to day, not perfect, but never the less real....  Remember it is your Positive Attitude that counts in the end, not negative vibs....  HUH!!

I could go on with more such stuff, but we will save it for a future blog, if you can't wait email me...   We will talk,  BTW I write over ten different blogs on separate four sites, plus my own at, stop by and see us some time... Sign up on our message board, any civil topic can be shared....  We are getting the site geared up for some real production, since we just got it on line last OCT.....   

 See Ya... Kermit

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