Blog: Ya’ think??
by kerminator

Why in the world should I???

This is the on going question we all must learn to answer... It is the reason we are where we are in this life... DUH!!

Date:   6/9/2006 6:46:55 AM   ( 19 y ) ... viewed 2896 times

This question sums up our whole life's journey... 

We come into this world dependent and lacking all but just the basic survival instints... The one important redeeming factor is during our very first days we remember our past before this earthly existance...  Angels attended us as we grew more accustomed to this life on earth...

We tended to be very selfish and demanding as a baby, not realizing there is any purpose except keeping us satisfied, by meeting our needs... This of course varies from one set of circumstances to another; one mother to another...  But at some point we come to learn, that we are only part of a larger whole... A family, a town, a country and the world... { The Universe and Eternity are the whole} 

Since our actual development and training is the results of circumstances and concerns of others, we tended to be more observers and reactors...  But during this early training we soon learned how and where we can exert our infulance... It is during these years that we start to answer the question...  " Why should I ??"

At first everything is simple, take a toy from another child and generally they or an authority figure came and corrected your actions...  Or you learned that doing certain things results in confusion or damage either to something or yourself... This too caused you to answer the question, many times through pain and / or suffering...  But you gradually build an astute awareness to the world around you... HUH!!

This is the beginning of your life long quest to answer the question; we all must live with... Most of the answers are the result of trial and error experiences... Hopefully ones that do not cause you permanent damage or mental anguish...  Sorrowfully in the real world we can often bring death and/or destruction upon self or others... This is the tragedy of life, that is best to advoid.... 

When facing a new challenge or even a basic choice we must answer the question... It all comes back to our mental training...  If we were fortunate; we see that many of life's tragedies can be avoided by correct choices and actions... This is the bases for most of our reactions to the question...  Here is where we either shine and continue to live an successful and rewarding life or become imprisoned in our own inadiquances... This is where the question " Why should I ??"  becomes  parimont...    

It is where that our attitude comes into play... If we were fortunate and have developed the correct responses to many of life's challenges, then we can succeed...

" In life; we win some, we lose some, and the rest are just a draw..."  a Kermit-ism 

We often spend time on plains or plateaus in life; but always on a progressing path... We all are moving toward Eternity...  The other really under laying question to be answered is " Where will we spend Eternity?? "

This is being answered on our pathway through this life...  The decisions and actions we make;  answering the question of;  "Why should I??"   This is one of the secrets of life; dear, friend...

"So why should I??"    The answer my dear friend is;  because your entire future depends on how you respond...   DUH!! 

If you are confused or need help with this email or reply....  Kermit



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