Blog: Ya’ think??
by kerminator

Once upon a time...

Lets look at tolerance, or compromise; the who, the what and the when...

Date:   10/15/2006 8:53:50 PM   ( 19 y ) ... viewed 2694 times

Got a ball cap with "Ya think" on it last week; and have had several people say they liked it...

Something to think about...  Is Life worth living??

A Latin phrase... " Toleratio est permissio negativa mali "...

" Literally it means Tolerance is a negative permission of evil;  a patient forbearance in the face of evil, either real evil or imaginary... "       Fulton J Sheen 

Tolerance is never positive; there are certain principles of tolerance to understand...

1) Tolerance never refers to a person!!

2) Tolerance always refers to evil, either real or imaginary!!

3) Tolerance is never positive or good!!

You may say that you tolerate a person, or group of persons; but then you have really misunderstood tolerance when you try be tolerant to certain people!!  You can tolerate a persons actions and deeds; but not the person...  Each person is endowed with inalienable worth... Remember that whole universe exist for them, and GOD loves them; so if you merely tolerate them, then you offend both their dignity and your own... 

Tolerance always refers to evil, or negative things... The limit of tolerance would be reached;  when you use it to deprive others of their sovereign rights...  So we must learn to love the person, and not  just tolerate his / her evil ways.. 

You may say; you tolerate the opinions of others; with whom you may disagree...  Because you would not have to tolerate people, with whom you are in agreement with you...  People whom you may disagree, but you never tolerate them... There is never for any good reason that you should tolerate these ideas or actions, of those you with whom you disagree...

Take some time and think on this and we will explore and develop it more on this blog later...  What does tolerance mean to you?? Compromise!!

 To tolerate is to give in to ideas and principles of those whom we do not agree...  The word here is compromise, which means you lose and no one wins... DUH!! 

See Ya...  Kermit

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